Sana'a - Saba:
In the framework of enhancing combat readiness and preparing to confront any American-Zionist escalation against the homeland, the activities of mobilization and general mobilization and enrollment in the open military courses "Al-Aqsa Flood" continue on a large scale and at all official and popular levels.
As the sons of the governorates, directorates and districts, along with the members of the official side, continue to enroll in these courses, which have become a national duty and an urgent necessity required by the current stage in which the nation is exposed to a fierce and direct attack by its enemies.
The importance of these combat courses is highlighted in that they provide those who join them with military skills and experiences, combat tactics and other aspects required by the field of confrontation with the forces of aggression and their tools.
These courses come within the battle of "the promised conquest and holy jihad" that Yemen is waging against the enemies of the nation, and within the framework of preparations to confront any escalation that the forces of American-British-Zionist aggression may undertake against the Yemeni people, as well as within the framework of preparing to defend the homeland, its sovereignty and its capabilities.
The popular and official interaction and turnout to join the military courses held in various governorates are clear messages that the Yemeni people are fully prepared to confront any Zionist-American aggression, and confirm the firm and principled position in supporting the issues of the nation, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, based on the Yemeni people's record of struggle and their honorable positions in supporting the oppressed.
In parallel with that, graduates of these courses carry out military maneuvers and field applications of the knowledge and training they have acquired on various light and medium weapons and carry out reconnaissance, defense, storming and attack operations on virtual enemy sites in different theaters of operations and geographical environments that make them capable of dealing with any movement of the enemies.
The mobilization activities and programs also include the implementation of military marches on foot for thousands of graduates of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" courses, through which they demonstrate their level of fitness and high morale to implement the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the decisions it takes that the stage requires in light of the conspiracies that the homeland and the countries of the region are exposed to, led by the evil trio of America, Israel and Britain.
The Yemeni people confirm through their interaction with the activities, programs and courses of the general mobilization the extent of the high awareness they carry, as well as their sense of the sacred religious and national responsibility in defending the homeland and the nation in particular, while the American and Zionist enemy continues its conspiracies and efforts to target Yemen and try to dissuade it from supporting the Palestinian people.
The combat mobilization of the popular side also represents a strategic importance in light of the advanced level that the Yemeni armed forces have reached and the advanced military capabilities they now possess, which have proven their worth during the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle by reaching all their targets in the occupied Palestinian territories, and confronting American aircraft carriers at sea and forcing them to flee.
From this standpoint, the American-Zionist enemy and those who revolve around them must take into account that as much as the Yemeni armed forces have become capable of reaching all the enemy's vital targets, the Yemeni people have also become highly prepared to confront and punish the forces of aggression and their mercenaries.
Despite the attempts of the enemies, their tools and their affiliated media to downplay the importance of the mobilization activities and programs witnessed by the free governorates on a large scale, they have actually become a qualitative addition and a strong support for the armed forces, and confirm that the free Yemeni people have become a trained and qualified army to confront any aggressive move that the forces of arrogance and their tools may undertake in any upcoming rounds.
The open military courses and the military maneuvers and marches that accompany them carry many indications and warning messages to the forces of aggression against getting involved again in targeting the Yemeni people and their capabilities, because this time they will face what they have never seen before after all that the country has witnessed in terms of preparing and graduating hundreds of thousands of fighters, especially since the launch of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle, in which Yemen participated directly in support of Gaza and its valiant resistance.
Thanks to the authentic and courageous position taken by the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, at the beginning of the battle, which enjoyed unparalleled popular support and authorization, the Yemeni people and their valiant armed forces contributed to making the historic victory of the people of Gaza over the enemy of the nation, the temporary Zionist entity and its supporters from the Americans and Western countries, and thanks to this honorable position, Yemen has become respected by all free peoples.