Russian scientists invent test system detecting cancer in early stages

Yemen News Agency SABA
Russian scientists invent test system detecting cancer in early stages
[03/ March/2025]
Moscow - Saba:
Scientists from the Ural Federal University of Russia have developed a new test system that allows detecting cancer in its early stages through a blood test.

The Russian TASS news agency quoted the university's public relations department as saying today, Monday, that this system is currently being tested to diagnose prostate cancer.

According to the developers, this diagnosis can be made during a routine medical examination or independently by conducting a blood test. The new system is characterized by high reliability, as it analyzes molecular markers, and outperforms similar systems currently used.

The report issued by the university's Public Relations Department explained that the solution proposed by scientists is based on detecting changes in metabolic biomarkers in the blood, and is currently being tested to diagnose prostate cancer in its early stages.

The university also indicated that a similar system is currently used to diagnose diseases of the digestive system and lungs and is based on gas chromatography technology, but it does not detect early stages of cancer.

The research team plans to expand the scope of use of the system to include other types of cancer, and plans to train the system to accurately determine the stages of the disease and its severity, in order to launch it on the market by 2027.

It is worth noting that the aforementioned scientific research is being carried out with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science within the framework of the "Priority-2030" program.

Scientists from the Ural Federal University, the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Virum Research Institute of Viral Infections of the Consumer Rights Protection Service, in addition to scientists from the Saratov State Medical University are participating in the project.