I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
O Allah! Confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
O Allah! Guide us and grant us acceptance, for You are the Hearing, the Knowing; accept our repentance, for You are the Relenting and the Merciful.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
Before we begin the lecture, let us take a moment to address what is unfolding these days in Syria. The takfiri groups there are committing acts of mass genocide against hundreds of innocent Syrian civilians—unarmed, peaceful citizens. These groups even record their own crimes on video, post them on social media, and boast about such crimes. The footage shows them mercilessly killing unarmed, peaceful civilians—some are dragged from their homes and executed, while others are murdered in the streets, whether in urban areas or the countryside.
Such criminal behaviour is utterly condemnable, and everyone must denounce it. Those with a shred of human conscience should strive to put an end to these crimes. They also reveal their determination to persist on this brutal, criminal path by killing the innocent, civilians, and the peaceful in the most horrific ways imaginable. They share responsibility for these crimes with those who support them financially, politically, and militarily. Consequently, there will be severe consequences for all those involved, for they seem to believe that they have secured favour with America and Europe, which give them free rein to do as they please. They forgot Allah—they forgot that He punishes, holds people accountable, and dispenses retribution. They forgot that the shedding of innocent blood inevitably brings about severe consequences.
By perpetrating these crimes and acts of aggression against a wide swathe of the Syrian people—targeting unarmed, peaceful ordinary citizens—they are doing a great service to the Israelis and the Americans. They tear apart the social fabric of Syria and practice savagery and criminality against the Syrian people. This holds true because the Americans and the Israelis seek to portray themselves as the saviours and protectors of the Syrian people, all in the context of occupation.The Israelis have declared their protection of the Druze in Suwayda. Because of this, those takfiri groups did not dare to harm them; instead, they treat the Druze with respect, engage with them cordially, and deal with them humbly. Why? It is because the Israelis have announced their protection and have threatened to act should they be harmed. Similarly, America presents itself as the protector of the Kurds in the areas where they reside, arming and recruiting them. Therefore, when they face an attack, they fight fiercely, relying on American support and protection.
As for other Syrians, they feel targeted because they are not under American protection like the Kurds, nor under Israeli protection like the Druze. They find themselves being violated and killed in cold blood, quite simply, with no one in the Arab and Islamic world to object or criticise; everyone just watches, taking no stance. They find themselves being utterly violated simply because they have no American or Israeli protection. It is clear that the brutality and criminality of these takfiri groups is the product of an American-Israeli, Zionist-Jewish scheme. They are the ones who have nurtured, created, and groomed them for this very role; they have prepared them to exhibit such levels of brutality, criminality and aggression against the peaceful, the unarmed, and those not engaged in any military activity. They do exterminate them, killing women and children, the elderly and the young. They are committing acts of genocide. Why? It is an American-Israeli scheme that serves Zionist-Jewish objectives:- Firstly, to distort Islam, as these groups present themselves as devout, jihadist organisations, only to then brutally kill innocent, peaceful, unarmed people;
- to divide our peoples from within and tear apart their social fabric; and
- to portray the enemies as protectors and saviours, thereby justifying and gaining acceptance for their occupation.
Therefore, it is clear that after seizing control of Syria, these takfiri groups have not fired a single shot at the Israeli enemy—not one—despite its incursion into southern Syria across three provinces, its occupation of vast areas, and its ongoing raids that demolish Syria’s capabilities, which belong to the Syrian people. Yet, they make no practical response. Instead, they have ordered their media outlets and activist journalists not to use the term 'enemy' when referring to the Israeli enemy—not even to refer to it as 'the Israeli enemy'! They avoid referring to as such, let alone take action! At the same time, they act with brutality, aggression, and criminality against unarmed, peaceful civilians, committing mass extermination and portraying their crimes as acts of heroism, boasting and taking pride in them.
What is happening is very unfortunate, and the Arabs are silent, the Islamic world is silent. Why? It is so that only the Israelis and the Americans can speak. As we said, this is to allow the Americans, the Europeans, and the Israeli enemy to present themselves as the protector of peoples.
This serves as a significant lesson for all peoples of our Muslim Ummah regarding the true nature of these groups and their criminality. However, Islam is innocent of their criminality and brutality. Indeed, Islam is innocent; jihad for the sake of Allah is a sacred cause that has nothing to do with their crimes. These groups have nothing to do with jihad. If they were engaged in true jihad, they would confront the Israeli enemy. They are not devout groups; rather, they are criminals who adhere to falsehood rather than guidance and truth and are clearly aggressive.Anyone who doubts our words should witness for themselves the crimes that these groups have documented, published, and boasted about, although their regional sponsors who support them financially, try to present a different image in their media, portraying these groups as a state, as security forces, as a regular army, and so on. However, the situation is completely clear. What has happened in recent days is extremely horrific; remaining silent about it is a crime. Silence contradicts religious and humanitarian responsibilities. What is happening is dangerous, and its consequences are severe for these groups and their sponsors, as they will incur punishment from Allah, the Almighty. It also serves as a very important lesson for our peoples.