Attorney General inspects conditions of prisoners in pretrial detention in South Sanaa City

Yemen News Agency SABA
Attorney General inspects conditions of prisoners in pretrial detention in South Sanaa City
[09/ March/2025]


Prosecutor General Judge Abdul Salam al-Houthi visited the pretrial detention in the south of Sanaa City, where he was briefed on the conditions of the prisoners and directed the release of a number of them.

He was accompanied during the visit by the Chief Prosecutor of Appeal of the South Secretariat, Judge Ahmed Al-Qaiz, and the prosecutors of the South West and Southeast.

Prisoners were heard about the length of their imprisonment and the measures taken against them, as well as the amounts owed to them as private rights.

The prisoners' data was matched, and the Public Prosecutor issued directives to release a number of them after allowing them to conditionally release those who have served three-quarters of their sentences and proved their good behavior, in addition to ensuring that philanthropists pay special rights to some.

The Attorney General stressed the need to deal quickly with cases, especially those involving prisoners, and to facilitate conditional release procedures within the month of Ramadan, taking into account humanitarian treatment and bringing justice closer to citizens.