Sana'a - Saba:
Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi praised the rising popular awareness of the people of Aden province against the occupier's policy , its repressive and starvation machine that targets the people of the province , undermines their freedom and stability.
This came during his meeting today with Aden Governor Tariq Salam, who briefed him on the latest developments in the province and the escalating popular outcry against the occupier , his mercenaries and agents, in addition to the situation of displaced people from Aden in the capital Sana'a and the free provinces.
Al-Rahwi emphasized the importance of unifying efforts in the face of the occupation and its plans, which do not target a specific faction, but rather all the people of the homeland. He pointed out that what the occupied southern provinces are witnessing, especially Aden, reflects the state of great popular awareness that the people of these provinces have in confronting the arrogance of the occupier and his criminal tools.
He pointed out that the criminal policy pursued by the Saudi-UAE occupier and its armed militias reveals the ugly face of the occupier and its tools who practice murder, terrorism, destruction of resources and looting of wealth, while Aden, the provinces and the occupied areas are living in a state of chaos, living and security collapse due to the vindictive occupation policy.
The Prime Minister pointed out the importance of intensifying communication with various national frameworks and figures in the occupied southern provinces in order to serve the national cause of all the Yemeni people in continuing to confront the aggression , occupation , preserving the unity and stability of Yemen.
For his part, Aden governor praised the efforts of the Prime Minister in supporting the people of Aden province , the displaced people , paying attention to the issues and people's suffering of the occupied provinces.
He explained that the Saudi-UAE occupation deliberately plunged Aden into darkness, chaos and economic collapse in conjunction with the month of Ramadan and the entry of the summer season, which caused difficult humanitarian and economic conditions that exacerbated the citizens' suffering in Aden.
Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi praised the rising popular awareness of the people of Aden province against the occupier's policy , its repressive and starvation machine that targets the people of the province , undermines their freedom and stability.
This came during his meeting today with Aden Governor Tariq Salam, who briefed him on the latest developments in the province and the escalating popular outcry against the occupier , his mercenaries and agents, in addition to the situation of displaced people from Aden in the capital Sana'a and the free provinces.
Al-Rahwi emphasized the importance of unifying efforts in the face of the occupation and its plans, which do not target a specific faction, but rather all the people of the homeland. He pointed out that what the occupied southern provinces are witnessing, especially Aden, reflects the state of great popular awareness that the people of these provinces have in confronting the arrogance of the occupier and his criminal tools.
He pointed out that the criminal policy pursued by the Saudi-UAE occupier and its armed militias reveals the ugly face of the occupier and its tools who practice murder, terrorism, destruction of resources and looting of wealth, while Aden, the provinces and the occupied areas are living in a state of chaos, living and security collapse due to the vindictive occupation policy.
The Prime Minister pointed out the importance of intensifying communication with various national frameworks and figures in the occupied southern provinces in order to serve the national cause of all the Yemeni people in continuing to confront the aggression , occupation , preserving the unity and stability of Yemen.
For his part, Aden governor praised the efforts of the Prime Minister in supporting the people of Aden province , the displaced people , paying attention to the issues and people's suffering of the occupied provinces.
He explained that the Saudi-UAE occupation deliberately plunged Aden into darkness, chaos and economic collapse in conjunction with the month of Ramadan and the entry of the summer season, which caused difficult humanitarian and economic conditions that exacerbated the citizens' suffering in Aden.