Study: Gas cooking is more harmful to health than London's busy streets

Yemen News Agency SABA
Study: Gas cooking is more harmful to health than London's busy streets
[10/ March/2025]
London - Saba:
A recent study conducted by the Which consumer group revealed that cooking with gas stoves may cause higher levels of air pollution than those found on London's busy streets, raising concerns about its health effects.

The study showed that cooking with gas leads to increased levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particles (PM2.5) in the air, two pollutants linked to serious health problems such as asthma, heart disease and cancer. In an experiment involving five volunteers, the results showed that gas stoves caused a significant increase in nitrogen dioxide levels, with levels more than doubling during cooking.

In contrast, the study did not record any significant increase in pollution levels inside a home that used an induction stove (electric stove). It was also found that pollution from gas cooking persists for long periods after cooking, exposing people in closed homes to ongoing health risks.

The study recommended good ventilation while cooking and the use of air extractors to reduce the risk, and suggested considering switching to an induction cooktop as a safer option.