SANA'A, Aug. 14 (Saba) - President of the Supreme Political Council (SPC) and its nine other members swore in on Sunday before the Parliament.
Eight of the Council's ten members took the constitutional oath, who are:
Saleh al-Sammad, Kassem Labuza, Sadek Abu Ras, Yusuf al-Faishi, Mohammed al-Na'aimi, Mubarak al-Zayedi, Jaber al-Wahbani and Nasser al-Nasiri.
The two members, Khaled al-Deni and Sultan al-Samee, did not attend the oath ceremony.
On July 28th, Ansarallah and the General People Congress (GPC) signed an agreement to establish the SPC, which will run the country in all fields.
The SPC was formed on August 06th and held its first meeting in the Capital, when they elected Saleh al-Sammad as a Council President and Kassem Mohammed Labuza as a Vice President.