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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Pyongyang accuses Washington, Seoul of Espionage, Warns of immediate action
Pyongyang accuses Washington, Seoul of Espionage, Warns of immediate action
Pyongyang accuses Washington, Seoul of Espionage, Warns of immediate action
[Sun, 26 May 2024 17:36:22 +0300]

PYONGYANG May 26. 2024 (Saba) - North Korea accused its southern neighbor and the United States of conducting further aerial espionage around the peninsula Sunday, warning that it would take immediate action if its sovereignty was violated.

North Korea's Deputy Defense Minister, Kim Kang Il, stated in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency that the United States deployed dozens of military aircraft for aerial espionage against North Korea from May 13 to 24 of the current month.

The statement added that the espionage activities observed during the 12-day period exceeded the situation in times of war.

"This aggressive military espionage, along with various military exercises, has become the root cause of constantly escalating regional military tensions," the statement continued.

The North Korean official criticized South Korean naval forces for intruding across its maritime borders, indicating that such actions were carried out under the guise of mobile patrols.

He stated that the North Korean army "will take necessary military measures," adding, "Serious consequences will result from such repeated intrusions across our maritime borders."

Relations between North and South Korea are currently at one of their lowest points in years, based on the ongoing provocations by South Korea against its northern neighbor, prompting Pyongyang to declare that Seoul is its "main enemy."

South Korea and its key security ally, the United States, routinely conduct joint military exercises.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:58:02 +0300