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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  Revolution Leader
Revolution Leader :Yemeni naval operations' impact is large, increasing, inability ,& failure of Americans & British to prevent them is clear & recognized
Revolution Leader :Yemeni naval operations' impact is large, increasing, inability ,& failure of Americans & British to prevent them is clear & recognized
Revolution Leader :Yemeni naval operations' impact is large, increasing, inability ,& failure of Americans & British to prevent them is clear & recognized

SANA'A June 20. 2024 (Saba) - The revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed that the impact of the Yemeni naval operations on the Americans, the British, and the Zionists is great , increasing, the inability and failure to prevent the operations has become clear and recognized among the enemies.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi said in a speech this afternoon about the latest developments in the Zionist aggression against Gaza and regional developments, “The impact of the naval operations is great , increasing, and the American, British, , Zionist inability and failure to prevent the operations has become clear and recognized in American, British, and Zionist circles.”

He pointed out that the impact of maritime operations on the economic situation is increasing to the point that exporters of clothing and electronics to America use expensive, slow and delayed air freight.

He added, "The American admits that its naval forces are facing their heaviest fighting since World War II, are in a real dilemma and a miserable failure in confronting the Yemeni operations, while its leaders acknowledge that Yemeni capabilities and weapons are constantly developing."

He reiterated that the Yemeni people are continuing their activities in supporting Palestinians in Gaza , the occupied territories, and from next week they will resume their two million outings in squares.

Regarding the support front in Yemen, Faith, Wisdom, and Jihad, within the framework of the fourth stage of escalation, the Commander stressed that the Yemeni people and their armed forces were keen to continue support operations, even on the blessed day of Eid al-Adha, by carrying out several important operations.

He continued, "Over the course of the week, there were 10 operations carried out with 26 ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and a gunboat, targeting eight ships, bringing the number of targeted ships linked to the Zionist, American, and British enemies to 153 ships."

He reviewed the most prominent operations this week, including targeting the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" for the third time in the northern Red Sea with missiles and pursuing it, considering this an effective, influential and bold act.

The Revolution Leader stated that one of the most prominent developments in the operations was the sinking of the ship “Tutor” after a qualitative operation carried out by the naval forces, and the heroes of the naval forces were able to board the ship , carry out their operations to booby-trap and blow it up after it was first hit by a military boat, in addition to the fact that there is a second ship that is about to sink Gulf of Aden.

He pointed out that the American and British aggression carried out 24 raids on Yemen this week, but they had no effect, thank God.

At the beginning of his speech, the Leader of the Revolution directed his condolences and sympathy to the Egyptian and Indonesian peoples and all the peoples who had casualties during the Hajj season as a result of the negligence of the Saudi regime, which takes huge sums of money and extorts financial fees from the pilgrims of the Holy House of God under the title of providing services to the guests of the Most Gracious, to the point of intentional negligence causing Hundreds of victims.

He pointed out that the Saudi regime has turned its attention to promiscuity and debauchery parties, while its interest in pilgrims to the Holy House of God has declined, and it is not worthy of serving the Hajj and achieving its great Qur’anic and Islamic goals.

He stated that there is a great role for Hajj and Umrah and a fundamental role for the Holy House of God that the Saudi regime does not have the competence to supervise and activate in the reality of Muslims, stressing that the political ceiling of the Saudi regime is subject to the American will, courting the Zionist enemy and alliance with the Muslims enemies .

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi spoke about the suffering of the Palestinian people on Eid al-Adha as a result of the continued crime and genocide by the Zionist enemy supported by America and Europe, indicating that the Palestinian people embody the great meanings of Eid al-Adha, such as commemorating the Prophet of God Abraham and the Prophet of God Ishmael, peace be upon them.

He explained that the Palestinian people are living in a state of extension of the great Islamic connotations , meanings and their application in their reality through their struggle for the sake of God, pointing out that the American, on the path of deception, established a sea pier as part of his concern for the humanitarian situation to make it a base for occupying and supporting the enemy entity.

He said, "In opposed the headlines, the American calls the occupation liberation, killing, and annihilation with aid," explaining that the floating dock has no role in delivering aid and meeting life's needs, and at the height of the famine, the American transferred it to "Ashdoud."

The leader reviewed the continuing and worsening suffering of the wounded, and medical services were destroyed, and with the siege, all medicines and supplies are running out.

He pointed out that among the suffering of prisoners and kidnapped people in enemy prisons is their starvation and forced injection of unknown substances that harm them.

He pointed out that it is clear that the enemy is focusing on belittling Islam and desecrating the sanctities by any means or expression, and that one of the manifestations of mockery of Islam is holding a barbecue and dancing party in the Rafah Mosque... wondering, “Where is the Islamic diet and sense of responsibility?” And when will so many of the silent people and those who have affiliation move? My religion towards the Jews’ insults to Islamic sanctities?

He stated that America continues to openly support the Zionist enemy, and bombs and supplies arrive via the air bridge to kill the Palestinian people.

America is also preparing to send 50 F-15 fighter jets in support of the enemy entity to continue the genocide in Gaza.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi confirmed that the German Parliament decided to continue providing weapons to the enemy army, and Serbia bragged about sending arms shipments to the enemy. He pointed out that the specific operations in Rafah are continuing , the enemy’s losses are increasing, this is an impressive and disturbing matter for him.

He pointed out that at a time when the enemy wants to resolve the battle in his favor, he is suffering huge losses in Gaza, considering the increase in enemy losses these days compared to previous months as evidence of a higher performance of the Palestinian resistance and greater divine success.

He praised the steadfastness of the Mujahideen in Gaza despite the siege and comprehensive destruction, and the American-British support for the Zionist enemy, which resorted to tactical suspensions of its operations as a result of the devastating strikes on its soldiers , vehicles and the activation of minefields.

The revolution leader touched on the continued effectiveness of the Mujahideen’s performance in Gaza with the bombing of the settlements , the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, stressing that the Zionist enemy failed to blackmail the popular incubator in Gaza and impose variables in managing the situation through starvation and exploitation.

He also stressed that the steadfastness of the fighters in Gaza influenced the enemy to admit, through its leaders, failure and stagnancy, and in exchange for the large losses among the enemy’s ranks, there is evasion of conscription and performing military service, indicating that the Zionist enemy speaks of an existential crisis , lack of confidence in the future, and this is the result of the people’s steadfastness of the Palestinians and their Mujahideen.

He said, "There is anticipation for the decisions of the International Courts of Justice and Criminal Courts, and although we do not place our hopes on them, any condemnation of the enemy represents a problem for him, even though the Zionist enemy does not give any valuable decisions, neither from the Security Council, nor the United Nations, nor international courts, and any condemnation disturbs him and affects on him".

Sayyed Leader explained that the Zionist enemy is accustomed to remaining outside international pressure and criticism, and in a place where it enjoys full cover, pointing out that the demonstrations in America and Western countries are continuing, and the repression of them is also continuing.

He expressed his regret for the positions of many Arab and Islamic countries that are still outside the calculations, and there is nothing that can be said about them
With the Zionist enemy.

He al stressing that Hezbollah's escalation is strong and the Zionist enemy is in trouble because of its impact on its general reality and northern Palestine.

He stated that the enemy's condoning of Hezbollah's escalation is painful , affects him, and if he goes to a comprehensive war, he fears the great consequences for him, despite the American attempt to alleviate the enemy's predicament on the Lebanon front, stressing that pressure cannot weaken Hezbollah's position.

He said, "The video clips broadcast by Hezbollah, which included an accurate survey of large areas in northern Palestine and the Zionist military industrial complexes and its various bases, terrified the enemy and are among vital targets and Hezbollah's target bank in the event that the enemy becomes involved in a comprehensive war."

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi pointed out that being able to penetrate and conduct this survey is disturbing to the Zionist enemy, and he knows what that means.

He referred to the Iraqi Support Front, which announced that the resistance in Iraq was targeting sensitive targets with several operations, including Haifa port in the occupied Palestinian territories.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:35:52 +0300