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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Continued crimes against children of Gaza prove that genocide; erasing generations is the essence of Zionists' plans
Continued crimes against children of Gaza prove that genocide; erasing generations is the essence of Zionists' plans
Continued crimes against children of Gaza prove that genocide; erasing generations is the essence of Zionists' plans

CAPITALS June 30. 2024 (Saba) - Recent statistics collected by international institutions and United Nations bodies on the continuation of the Zionist enemy's violations of children's rights in the Gaza Strip and on a level never seen before in the world indicate that genocide, ethnic cleansing, erasure of generations and obliteration of the human identity of the place are the bank of goals and essence of the Zionists' plans.

In light of the continued exposure of children in the Gaza Strip to continuous crimes by the Zionist enemy forces, including killing and displacement, these institutions confirmed
the lives of children in the Gaza Strip are threatened by the high rates of these crimes, which violate international humanitarian law and lead to more suffering and destruction, which means that the current war of the Zionist entity in Gaza is a war against children.

In this regard, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed that ten children lose one or two legs every day in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking at a press conference at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Lazzarini said: "Basically, every day we have ten children who lose one or two legs on average." He explained that these figures do not include children who have lost upper limbs. He pointed out that it is based on figures issued by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

"Ten children a day means about 2,000 children, more than nine months after this brutal war," Lazzarini said.
"We also know how amputations are done in very horrific conditions, sometimes without any kind of anesthesia, and this also applies to children."

Citing a report published by the NGO Save the Children, Lazzarini estimated that "up to 21,000 children are missing" since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, either because they were buried under the rubble, captured, buried in unknown graves, or lost contact with their families and relative

Despite the difficulty of collecting and verifying figures, Save the Children confirmed that at least 17,000 children in the Gaza Strip are unaccompanied, and four thousand children are missing after being buried under the rubble.

Lazzarini again warned that UNRWA funding would run out after the end of August. He stressed that the agency needs $ 140 million until the end of the year.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) confirmed that 1.7 million people in the Gaza Strip have been internally displaced, more than half of them children and do not have access to enough water, food, fuel and medicine, and more than 600,000 children are trapped in Rafah alone, with no safe place to go.

UNICEF spokesman Kazem Abu Khalaf said:
The organization reports to UN organizations on the repercussions of the Zionist war in Gaza. He added that the children of Gaza are the most suffering group inside the Strip, as nine out of ten children are approaching the circle of food insecurity. He pointed out that the organization needs six to eight weeks to treat cases of malnutrition.

He added that the organization is preparing plans to return Gaza's children to school and provide spaces dedicated to education.

However, what was remarkable about the Zionist enemy's continued application of the genocidal methodology against children in the Gaza Strip, and the bombing of houses over their heads while they were sleeping without the slightest humanitarian, moral or legal considerations, was recounted by the Spanish employee at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Yasmina Guerda, who testified in front of journalists in Geneva, after spending three months in the Strip. She said she had seen children amputated and families in despair, stressing that there was no longer any safe inch in Gaza.

"You have ten to 15 minutes to evacuate the building where you live because it's going to be bombed, and your little kids are asleep and you wake them up, take one last look at your room and say goodbye forever, because you know it's going to turn into dust," she said.

As terrifying as it sounds, she stressed that this was a "best-case scenario," as many Gazans had not warned before an attack.

Between displacement and hunger, the government's media office in the Gaza Strip warned that malnutrition "directly" threatens the lives of more than a million Palestinian children. He pointed out that 3,500 children from the Gaza Strip have become "close to death" as a result of the American and Zionist decision to prevent the entry of food and medicine as part of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

The director of the office, Ismail Al-Thawabta, said during a press conference: "More than one million children in the Gaza Strip are under direct threat of malnutrition, including 3,500 children who are close to death, due to the lack of food and vaccinations."

The office pointed out that the US floating water shelf off the coast of the Gaza Strip, which Washington claimed aims to deliver humanitarian aid, is nothing but misinformation and a failed attempt to improve the ugly face of the US administration, which participates in the crime of genocide, as the facts confirmed that this pier did not provide anything within the framework of ending the crime of starvation, as famine is seriously worsening, especially in Gaza and the north, where starvation threatens 700,000 Palestinians, especially the sick and children.

While the Zionist enemy is escalating its aggression on the occupied West Bank, which led to the martyrdom of six Palestinians, five of them in Balata camp, and the injury of others, a member of Hamas' political bureau, Izzat al-Rishq, said: "The escalation of the Nazi occupation's genocidal war in Gaza is Zionist terrorism and sadism that has exceeded all limits of humanity, and has overthrown all the values that its partners and supporters boast of from the American administration and Western countries."


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 02 Jul 2024 16:33:41 +0300