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Governor Al-Sufi reviews services provided at health center in Al-Jumaimah
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Joint Meeting Parties express their deepest condolences on death of Major General Baras
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Southern Movement Mourns Fighter, Major General Khaled Baras
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Event in Security Department of Al-Dhihar District in Ibb on anniversary of Wilayt Day
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Conclusion of training course in field of documentary cycle for court workers in Ibb
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Abu Hamza: We will treat enemy's prisoners in same way as our prisoners inside its prisons
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Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Health Ministry condemns aggression mercenaries' crime in Taiz
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Three women & two girls killed in drone strike belonging to aggression’s mercenaries in Taiz
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American-British aggression launch three raids on Hajjah
[15 March 2024]
Judicial Council approves plan of national vision of judiciary for year 1446 AH
Judicial Council approves plan of national vision of judiciary for year 1446 AH
Judicial Council approves plan of national vision of judiciary for year 1446 AH
[Mon, 01 Jul 2024 21:06:27 +0300]

SANA'A July 01.2024 (SABA) -The Supreme Judicial Council reviewed in its meeting on Monday, headed by the President of the Council, Judge Ahmed Yahya Al-Mutawakel, the proposal submitted by the Minister of Justice - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Higher Judicial Institute, which includes the curriculum for students of the second batch of criminal diploma, Department of Continuing Rehabilitation at the Institute for the year 1446 AH - 2024 AD.

After discussion, the Council approved the vocabulary of the curriculum, and reviewed with a member of the Technical Unit of the National Vision the plan of the judiciary for the year 1446 AH submitted by the Technical Unit of the National Vision of the Council.

The Council also approved the plan, directing the judicial authorities to do the necessary work and implement each entity with its own projects with realized funding, and tasked the technical unit to follow up with the Ministry of Finance to approve funding for projects with unrealized funding and unfunded projects, in line with the requirements and needs of the plans of the judicial authority bodies for the coming year.

The Judicial Council approved the final account of the Judicial Support Fund for the year 2023, and directed to complete the related procedures, based on the proposal submitted by the Executive Director of the Fund.

The Council reviewed a number of topics on its agenda and took appropriate decisions thereon.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Wed, 03 Jul 2024 23:52:32 +0300