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  US-Saudi Aggression
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UN experts: Israeli courts in WB provide cover for Palestinians torture
UN experts: Israeli courts in WB provide cover for Palestinians torture
UN experts: Israeli courts in WB provide cover for Palestinians torture
[Thu, 04 Jul 2024 19:06:09 +0300]

NEW YORK July 04. 2024 (Saba) -The double system at Israeli courts in the West Bank provides legal cover for torture and severe treatment against Palestinians detainees and makes it impossible to defend them, two UN rapporteurs said in joint statement.

On 7 June 1967, the Israeli military commander issued three proclamations concerning the military's executive, security, public order, and judicial authority in the occupied West Bank. These provisions were later amended into Military Order No. 378, which established military courts, Margret Satrthwit and Francesca Albanese added, according to the UN ReliefWeb.

"In the occupied West Bank, the functions of police, investigator, prosecutor, and judge are vested in the same hierarchical institution – the Israeli military," they said.

The Order establishes vague procedural instructions and broad powers to military forces for the conduct of proceedings.

"This military system has served to control many aspects of Palestinians' daily lives, including public health, education, and land and property law. It also criminalizes many forms of political and cultural expression, association, movement, nonviolent protest, traffic offenses, and other acts that might be considered methods for opposing the occupation and its policies," the UN officials said.

"This translates into a situation where military judges in military courts consistently provide legal and judicial cover for acts of torture, cruel and degrading treatment against Palestinian detainees carried out by their colleagues in the armed forces and intelligence agencies. It also makes legal defense impossible," they added.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 07 Jul 2024 11:53:31 +0300