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Ministry of Transport condemns Israeli aggression on port, civilian facilities in Hodeida
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Yemen's Shura council condemns Israeli assault on Hodeida civil facilities
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Supreme Political bless steps spoken of by leader with regard to radical change, comprehensive reforms
Supreme Political bless steps spoken of by leader with regard to radical change, comprehensive reforms
Supreme Political bless steps spoken of by leader with regard to radical change, comprehensive reforms
[Mon, 08 Jul 2024 21:07:59 +0300]

SANA'A July 08. 2024 (Saba) -The Supreme Political Council blessed the steps talked about by the Leader regarding radical change and comprehensive reforms of state institutions.

The Supreme Political Council supported the choices of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in confronting the aggressive economic escalation carried out by the Saudi regime in the service of America and Israel, and to stand by any choices taken by the Revolution leader to defend the rights of our people and confront the conspiracies that seek to starve and besiege them.

The Supreme Political Council stressed the equation of the airport with the airport, the ports with the port and banks with banks. He praised the development of the military and technical capabilities of the Yemeni army with the help of Allah and his bounty, which stunned the enemies.

It called on the military institution to pay more attention to developing military capabilities and keeping pace with the developments in the battle of "conquest, the promised victory and jihad."

The Supreme Political Council also affirmed the continuation of Yemeni operations in support of the oppressed Palestinian people in the face of the criminal Zionist-American aggression against the Gaza Strip.

It called on the Yemeni people to go out more massively, interact and engage in general mobilization activities to support the oppressed Palestinian people, and in preparation for any possible confrontation and any options directed by the leader of the revolution.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 21 Jul 2024 19:54:36 +0300