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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Government formation is important achievement that reflects real will towards comprehensive change - Poll
Government formation is important achievement that reflects real will towards comprehensive change - Poll
Government formation is important achievement that reflects real will towards comprehensive change - Poll
[Mon, 19 Aug 2024 01:09:34 +0300]

By Abdul-Wadood Al-Ghaili

SANA'A August 19. 2024 (Saba) - The journey is still long and the tasks still require more efforts and programs to achieve the desired goals placed on the shoulders of the government of change and construction; which the government realizes and to the same extent believes in the importance of arming itself with determination to bring about the desired change and achieve its vision of construction, a belief shared by the Yemeni citizen who looks forward to this government achieving his hopes and aspirations.

The people's hopes are high and their aspirations from the government of change and construction are many and great, but touching the fruits of the radical change whose foundations were laid by the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, will not come quickly as it requires a lot of time and effort, but it is coming thanks to the directives of the leader, the sincerity of the government's faith, and the cooperation of the citizens.

Due to the importance of radical change and the formation of the government of change and construction, the Yemeni News Agency /Saba/ surveyed the opinions and aspirations of a number of official figures regarding the new government formation; This survey was:

A first step

Shura Council member Dr. Yahya Ahmed Jahaf considered the formation of the government of change and construction a great victory for the Yemeni will and a living example of divine care for this great people and the blessing of the wise leadership represented by the master leader Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi and the culmination of the sacrifices and pure blood of the martyrs.

He added from this standpoint, the birth of this government came as a first step on a path that will not be completed except with real change and construction aimed at restructuring state institutions and developing public services in line with people's aspirations for a decent life, which is what comprehensive radical change seeks.

The Shura Council member pointed out that the process of merging ministries, as the first step towards correcting imbalances and moving towards comprehensive local development, serves the citizen in the first place, who has withstood nearly ten years of American, Saudi-Emirati aggression and siege, and remains steadfast to this day in the face of the forces of hegemony and global arrogance led by America, Britain and the Zionist entity.

Regarding the challenges facing the government of change and construction, Shura Council member Dr. Yahya Jahaf explained that this government faces many challenges that require it to rise to the challenge of change and construction by implementing plans and programs that will improve the lives of citizens, and before that, maintaining the cohesion of the internal front, in light of the conspiracies of the American, British and Israeli enemy, which is lurking for evil in the country as a result of Yemen's principled and steadfast position towards the Palestinian cause, supporting Gaza and standing by the Palestinian people by all means.

Regarding his initial reading of the ministerial titles, he said, "Through an initial reading of the titles of the ministries of the government of change and construction, the observer concludes that one of the basic goals of the government is to bring about comprehensive change that is not limited to the center, but rather targets even rural areas primarily due to their importance in reducing internal migration, and creating a stable and secure society that works to expand the process of production and local and community development."

Popular satisfaction

For his part, the member of the Political Bureau of Ansar Allah - Director General of the Supreme Council Branch in the capital, Judge Abdullah Al-Nuaimi, confirmed that the government formation itself received great popular and societal satisfaction because most of the members of this government are not subject to any discussion, noting that the people rely heavily on this government, which includes young leaders, many of whom are known for their integrity, activity and vitality.

I consider this formation an important achievement; because its formation was by a purely Yemeni decision, far from any external interference, and secondly, far from partisan quotas, stressing that the standards of efficiency and integrity were taken into account when forming this government.

Combined efforts

While the Vice President of the Supreme Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Houri, said, "We all know the size of the challenges at this current stage, which requires concerted efforts and cooperation from everyone to provide everything that can be provided in order to serve the Yemeni people and improve the living and economic conditions of the people."

He added: We have great hope that this government work to achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people and will be a government for the people and in the service of the people. It is very aware that it is under the microscope of the revolutionary leadership and the people, and therefore it must devote all its efforts and directions towards the urgent priorities at this stage, most notably the economic and living situation, the judiciary file, and the files of defense, security and education, all of which are great responsibilities, and this government, God willing, will be up to this responsibility.

A source of optimism

As for the expert in planning, construction and institutional development - Deputy of the General Authority for Endowments for the Mosques and Charities Sector, Dr. Abdullah Al-Qudami, he explained that the government of change and construction came with a composition of nineteen ministerial portfolios, a difference of eleven ministerial portfolios from the previous government.

He added: It is noticeable in the new government that the names assigned to the ministerial portfolios included mostly new names and young blood, characterized by efficiency, which we consider a source of optimism that this government will provide better performance and work to overcome the difficulties of the stage, according to the current available capabilities.

He expressed his hope that the citizen will feel the impact of the changes included in the new government formation, which is the fruit of revolutionary and political efforts supervised by the Leader of the Revolution, may God protect him, over a period of ten months. Dr. Al-Qadami expected that the priorities of the government of change and construction, as shown by the government formation, will focus on defense, security, military production, local and rural development, education, economy, industry, investment, agriculture, and administrative development.

Reducing inflation

For his part, the Undersecretary of the General Authority for Endowments for the Investment and Resource Development Sector, Dr. Muhammad Al-Somali, confirmed that the new ministerial formation, called the Government of Change and Construction, created a broad positive impression among everyone about the change process.

He pointed out that merging some ministries was one of the most prominent features of this formation due to its role in reducing the inflation of the government's functional structure.

He expressed his hope that the new government would work to raise the level of service provision and simplify procedures, especially in the service ministries that are directly related to the citizen, so that the citizen can feel the benefit of the change and the positive impression continues among all citizens of the country.

Dr. Al-Somali considered the change at this stage the remaining hope among society for improving the situation, even if gradually.

The will of the people

While social activist Hashem Hussein Al-Ashoul expressed his optimism about the Government of Change and Construction, attributing this to several reasons, most notably that this government emerged from the womb of the people without any external interference, far from embassies and agendas, as we have known for decades. Therefore, it is a government that expresses the will of this people and is in harmony with the interests of its people.

He stressed that reducing the number of ministries from 44 to 19 and merging these ministries on sound foundations consistent with specializations and tasks will help organize and arrange institutional work without overlapping work regulations, and this will be reflected on the citizen in facilitating and shortening the period of his transactions, in addition to that it will limit tampering with the general budget that was spent on many ministries, agencies and others.

He pointed out that the government of change and construction needs a period of time for the citizen to see its results, which puts the government before a challenge to prove to the people that it is true to this title as change and construction.

He said, "I expect that the government will make a relatively noticeable change as a first stage that citizens will see in their transactions and procedures, in addition to resolving many of the accumulated complications such as corruption for 40 years, with an improvement in the economic, political and military situation of the country."

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:57:01 +0300