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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Dhamar province marks 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution with military displays
Dhamar province marks 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution with military displays
Dhamar province marks 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution with military displays
[Sat, 21 Sep 2024 18:58:59 +0300]

DHAMAR - SABA: Dhamar province on Saturday witnessed a series of popular military displays, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the September 21 revolution.

The General Mobilization Forces organized these events across various districts, showcasing graduates from "al-Aqsa Flood" open military courses.

Governor Mohammed al-Bukhaiti and General Mobilization official Ahmed al-Dhorani attended the demonstrations in Dhamar city and Ans districts.

Participants expressed their readiness to confront aggression forces and support the Palestinian cause.

Similar displays were held in multiple other districts, including Wusab al-Ali, Wusab al-Safil, al-Hadda, and Jabal al-Sharq, where local leaders and mobilization officials were present.

Participants declared their willingness to join the "promised conquest and holy jihad" in defense of national issues, particularly the Palestinian cause.

The events highlighted Yemen's post-revolution achievements, emphasizing liberation from foreign influence, restoration of national decision-making, and the development of a capable national army.

Participants pledged allegiance to the revolutionary and political leadership, vowing to complete the revolution's goals and liberate Yemeni lands from what they termed as Saudi-Emirati occupation.

Solidarity with Lebanese resistance was also expressed, with condemnation of recent Israeli actions in Lebanon. The graduates praised Yemen's armed forces for their operations against Israeli targets and pledged continued mobilization and readiness.

The displays demonstrated the participants' combat skills, including proficiency with light and medium weapons, maneuverability, attack and defense tactics, reconnaissance, and other military capabilities.

This province-wide event underscores the ongoing significance of the September 21 Revolution in Yemen's political and military landscape, as well as the country's stance on regional issues, particularly concerning Palestine and opposition to Israel.


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 21 Sep 2024 23:27:39 +0300