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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Parliament condemns ongoing Israeli aggression on Lebanon, criticizes Arab silence
Parliament condemns ongoing Israeli aggression on Lebanon, criticizes Arab silence
Parliament condemns ongoing Israeli aggression on Lebanon, criticizes Arab silence
[Tue, 24 Sep 2024 17:09:23 +0300]

SANA'A - SABA: The parliament has condemned the continued Israeli aggression against Lebanon and denounced the silence of Arab and Islamic nations in response to the violence that has resulted in the deaths and injuries of hundreds.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Parliament characterized the Israeli attacks as a blatant violation of Lebanon's sovereignty and part of a broader pattern of aggression against both Lebanon and Palestine.

It called for a collective awakening among Arab nations, questioning whether it is not time for them to rise from their complacency and take action against the ongoing crises affecting the region.

The parliament underscored that the Zionist entity, supported by American and Western powers, aims to expand its territorial ambitions from the Nile to the Euphrates.

It highlighted that the escalation of violence, including recent bombings of civilian homes in southern Lebanon, has been exacerbated by the prevailing silence of Arab and Islamic leaders.

The parliament urged citizens and global advocates for justice to take a stand against the ongoing violence in Gaza, which has persisted for nearly a year, and now threatens to engulf Lebanon as well.

It emphasized that the recovery of rights can only be achieved through a united and forceful response against the occupying forces.

Additionally, the parliament called on regional and international parliaments to condemn Israeli actions and hold its leaders accountable for their crimes.

It criticized the United Nations and the Security Council for their inaction, stating they bear responsibility for the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel.

The House of Representatives statement pointed out that the Egyptian-Qatari mediation under American sponsorship was aimed at wasting time and covering up the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation.

It concluded that resolutions from the Security Council and the International Court of Justice have proven ineffective, allowing Israel to continue its aggression unimpeded, all while the international community watches.


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 24 Sep 2024 18:52:50 +0300