Sana'a - Saba:
The security services issued on Monday an important statement regarding the foiling of hostile activities of the British Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Saudi Intelligence Service.
The following is the text of the statement:
With the help of Allah, His success, guidance and care, hostile activities of the British Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Saudi Intelligence Service were foiled, as elements of a British spy network were arrested during the past month of December 2024 AD.
In light of the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad and the failure of the evil trio (America, Britain and the Israeli enemy entity) to stop the Yemeni operations supporting Gaza, the intelligence services of the evil trio and those allied with them sought to intensify their hostile activities in an attempt to create a target bank.
In this context, British intelligence, in cooperation and coordination with Saudi intelligence, sought to attract, recruit and train espionage elements for the purpose of carrying out intelligence activities targeting the country's strategic capabilities, most notably: monitoring and observing sites and facilities belonging to the missile force, drones, and some military and security sites, in addition to monitoring and observing the locations, homes and movements of some state leaders.
The espionage elements who were arrested underwent evaluation and technical tests during the recruitment phase by British and Saudi officers in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. After being selected and approved, they were enrolled in training courses in monitoring, surveillance and information gathering in order to gain espionage skills as well as training them in the use of espionage programs, devices and techniques to carry out the intelligence tasks and activities that they will be assigned by British and Saudi intelligence officers after their return to the territory of the Republic of Yemen.
The British intelligence officers provided the spy network members with advanced and specialized means of communication, devices, programs, technical and technological applications in the field of monitoring, tracking, determining locations, and assisting in confirming and uploading information and coordinates after training them on how to use them.
The information obtained confirmed that the British intelligence officers used Saudi territory as a center for managing and implementing intelligence activities. They also sent specific missions and coordinates after assigning the spy elements through Saudi officers and directing them to move to the mission site or coordinate to conduct fixed or mobile surveillance in the specified locations and collect information about them and upload them or plant tracking devices in some cars or photograph those on board in addition to some other intelligence tasks and activities.
The information obtained from those who were arrested and through what they confessed to, indicates that they carried out intelligence tasks and activities assigned to them by British and Saudi officers, most notably carrying out monitoring and surveillance operations of some sensitive places and military, security and civilian sites, as well as monitoring some state leaders.
The security services confirm that with the help and success of Allah Almighty, and just as they were able to uncover and arrest the espionage elements affiliated with the British Intelligence Service in 2020, and many espionage cells, they will spare no effort in carrying out their responsibility now and in the future in securing the home front, and fortifying it from any attempts to penetrate the American, Israeli, British and other enemy intelligence services.
Accordingly, the Security and Intelligence Service calls on everyone who has been involved and dealt with enemy intelligence to take the initiative to surrender themselves to the justice services, and warns those involved in treason that the security services are able, with Allah's help and success, to reach them wherever they are, and warns of the danger of working for enemy intelligence services, the penalty for which may reach the death penalty.
The security services thank the honorable citizens for their keenness and cooperation with them, and call on everyone to be vigilant and report any suspicious movements or activities and to contact the toll-free number (100).
The security services note that they will lift the confidentiality of some other details for public opinion through a media material that will be broadcast through various media outlets.
"And Allah, the Exalted and Great, has spoken the truth, saying: (And sit in ambush for them at every place of ambush)."

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