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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-Saudi aggression crimes on April 16
American-Saudi aggression crimes on April 16
American-Saudi aggression crimes on April 16
[Sun, 16 Apr 2023 13:38:14 +0300]

SANA'A April 16. 2023 (Saba)- The US-Saudi-Emirati aggression launched on April 16, a series of raids targeting cities, hospitals, educational facilities, communication networks, and markets in a number of provinces, committing horrific crimes against citizens, claiming dozens of killings and injured.

On April 16, 2015, 32 citizens were killed and dozens were injured as a result of a series of raids launched by the aggression warplanes on the city of Huth in Amran. A citizen was also killed and four injured as a result of the aggression warplanes targeting Bani Qais junction in Bani Suraim district of the same province.

Two citizens were killed and a third was injured as a result of two raids of the aggression's warplanes in the Saqin district, and the aggression's warplanes also targeted the residence of the doctors of Al-Rahma Specialist Hospital in Sa'ada, injuring one person.

The aggression launched a series of airstrikes on Sa'ada province, targeting Al-Salam commercial complex in the city, which caused great damage, a citizen's lathe, which led to its destruction, and a car showroom, which led to the destruction of its cars, and also targeted a number of fuel stations, including one in a village in Haidan district.

As part of its systematic targeting of educational facilities, the aggression warplanes launched a raid on the Technical Vocational Institute in Manakhah, Sana'a province, which led to the destruction of parts of its buildings and the wounding of a citizen.

The aggression launched on April 16 2016 AD three raids on Serwah district in Marib, including a raid targeting a citizen’s house and a series of raids on Al-Khadra area in Jabal Yazid district in Amran, and a raid on Takhiya area in Baqem district in Sa'ada, which caused damage to citizens’ property.

On April 16, 2017, the aggression warplanes launched two raids in Sa'ada province on Al-Malaheeth in Al-Dhaher district, which caused great damage to the houses and farms of citizens, and three raids on Al Sabhan and Al-Zamah areas in Baqem district, and two raids on Al-Safra district, and three raids on Bani Aweer area, and two raids targeted the area Al-Saifi family in Sahar district.

The aggression launched two raids on Al-Kassarah in Al-Barah district of Maqbana district, nine on separate areas in Mawza'a district, a raid on Al-Mocha junction, three raids on Dhubab district in Taiz province, six raids on Medi and Haradh customs, a raid on Al-Mazraq area in Haradh district, Hajjah province, and four raids on Haradh district. Raids on the Kahboub area in Lahj province.

The aggression’s warplanes targeted on 16 April 2018 AD, with four raids, the areas of Al-Shuraijah and Hamala in Karish district in Lahj, and with five raids Alaf area in Sahar district and Jabal Al-Sama’, and with four raids the Central Security camp in Sa'ada,

The hostile aircraft also launched eight raids on separate areas in the Baqem district, six raids on the Al-Fara’a and Wadi Al-Abu Jubarah areas in Ketaf district, a raid on a road facility for the Roads Corporation in Al-Azqul district in Sahar district, and two raids on Qahza area in Sa'ada district, and targeted with 11 raids the districts of Haradh and Medi, Hajjah.

In Sana’a province, the aggression’s warplanes launched a series of airstrikes on the districts of Manakhah, Sa’fan, and Nehm, targeting citizen farms and communication networks, where two women and a man were killed, and five citizens, most of them women, were injured as a result of seven raids on Masar Fort in Manakhah.

A child was injured in a raid that targeted a farm in Saafan district, and the warplanes launched a raid on the village of Ramada in Nehm district.

Six citizens were killed in a raid launched by the aggression warplanes on a house in Al-Hait area in Hays district of Al-Hodeida province, and 12 raids were launched on the areas of Al-Fara’, Al-Souh and Wadi Al-Abu Jabara in Ketaf district.

Five raids hit Alaf area in Sahar district and Jabal Al-Sama'a, west Sa'ada, and four raids on the Central Security camp in Sa'ada, while a citizen was injured by Saudi border guard fire in the border directorate of Munabeh.

On 16 April 2019 AD, a child was killed and seven citizens were injured following a raid by the aggression’s warplanes that targeted a car and a tanker in Al-Khamis area in A’him, Hajjah province, while the aggression’s mercenaries targeted, with missile and artillery shells and with machine guns, Al-Halaqa market, Al-Hodeida airport, Kilo 16 area in Al-Durayhimi district, Al-Khamseen Street in Al-Hodeida city, and the village of Maghazi district of Hays.

Saudi missile and artillery bombardment targeted the houses and farms of citizens in the districts of Baqem and Razeh in Sa'ada, and the isolation of the populated spot in the Maran area of the Haidan district was subjected to Saudi missile strikes.

On April 16, 2020, the aggression warplanes targeted, with two raids, the Wadi Dhahr area in the Hamedan district, and launched a raid near Dula’ Hospital in the district, and two raids on Al-Watdah area in Khawlan Al-Tayyal district in Sana’a.

And a raid on Harf Sufyan district in Amran, and eight raids on Al-Hazm district and Al-Labanat camp in Al-Jawf, and two raids on the Medghal district and four raids on the Serwah district in Marib.

In Al-Hodeida province, the aggression warplanes targeted a house in Al-Qati’a area in Al-Marawa’a district, which resulted in the injury of a number of women, while the artillery of the forces of aggression targeted Al-Hodeida airport, northwest of Maghari village, Al-Sha’ab village, and Muthalath Al-Adain in Hays district, while missile and artillery shells of the aggression forces targeted Al-Faza area Al-Tuhaita district, west of the village of Al-Shajan, and the farms and houes of citizens in the village of Al-Dahfash on the outskirts of the city of Al-Durayhimi.

The houses and farms of citizens in Razeh district of Sa'ada were also subjected to Saudi missile and artillery shells.
The aggression warplanes launched on April 16, 2021 a raid on Baqem district in Sa'ada, and three raids on Serwah and Medghal districts in Marib, and a raid on the Al-Dhahra area in Khab Washa'af district in Al-Jawf, while the aggression forces targeted separate areas in Al-Hodeida with artillery shells, and the spy warplanes dropped bombs on Vase with Al-Tuhaita.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:53:21 +0300