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  US-Saudi Aggression
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On anniversary of his death. Yemen reaps fruits of movements of its divine scientist Sayyid Badreddine Al-Houthi
On anniversary of his death. Yemen reaps fruits of movements of its divine scientist Sayyid Badreddine Al-Houthi
On anniversary of his death. Yemen reaps fruits of movements of its divine scientist Sayyid Badreddine Al-Houthi
[Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:12:30 +0300]

SANA'A July 03. 2024 (Saba) - Few are those divine scholars who had clear fingerprints in the lives of the Yemeni people, most notably the great divine scholar Sayyid Badr al-Din Amir al-Din al-Houthi, may God be pleased with him, who represented a beacon of guidance and a science of jihad for the sake of God and support for the vulnerable.

Talking about this divine scholar is talking about the Muslim and the authentic scholar in its principles, values and morals, which emerged in its personality in thought, behavior, jihad and sacrifice.

Sayyid Muhammad Badr al-Din describes his father "as the scholar who knows God Almighty knowledge that made him melt in his fear of God and seeks in his love and satisfaction, and he is the jurist investigator informed auditor lived with the Qur'an, dives into the knowledge of God until he was called the jurist of the Qur'an"

He points out that "he is the worshipper and supplicant of his master, he is the pious, ascetic, patient and sincere in saying with generosity, magnanimity, pride, help and others, courage, humility, charity and fairness, and this has been witnessed by friend and foe, near and far."

He adds, "He is also the Mujahid by himself, his money, his pen and his tongue, and he was the greatest who sought the unity of the nation and the best supporter of every action that returns to the nation with pride and dignity, as he was the brilliant educator and the able teacher, who graduated from his school the vanguards of the modern intellectual renaissance and the pioneers of the blessed Quranic march."

The contributions of the scientist Sayyid. Badr al-Din al-Houthi were not limited to a limited field and his role was not limited to religious legislative sciences only, but his contributions extended and diversified his activities and expanded his role to include all aspects of life and its multiple fields and contributed significantly to the religious, educational, intellectual, jihadist, nationalist and even poetic aspects, thus surpassing other scholars of his time and even today's scholars.

In this regard, a member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, stressed that the divine scholar Badreddine has always carried the concern to support Islam and promote virtue and prevent vice, and has never retreated from his principles and support for Islam despite the threats and assassination attempts he faced to silence his voice and prevent him from speaking the word of truth, refusing to remain silent.

"One of the results of the actions of the scholar Badr al-Din al-Houthi is the victories achieved by the Yemeni people over the past years," he said.

The Grand Mufti of Yemen, the scholar Shams al-Din Sharaf al-Din, stated that Yemen is today reaping the fruits of the Quranic march that was started by the mujahid scholar Badr al-Din al-Houthi and continued to be sponsored by the martyr leader Hussein Badr al-Din, may God be pleased with him, and endured the honor of continuing it by the leader Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

"The contributions of this divine scholar have borne fruit and expanded his interests, especially intellectual and kinetic jihadism, in rooting faith awareness, confronting misguided ideas, and confronting the forces of injustice, tyranny, arrogance and rejection of external dependence," he said.

In turn, the head of the General Authority of Zakat, Sheikh Shamsan Abu Nashan, stressed that the divine scholar, Mr. Badr al-Din Amir al-Din al-Houthi, in view of his students, his sons, his life, and his confrontation with oppressors and their arrogance, was able to change the course of life among society, so he was a school in all fields.

"Yemen today is living in an unprecedented state of pride, dignity, freedom, independence, strength and awe that is unprecedented, and all of this is thanks to this divine scholar who combined science, work, the promotion of virtue, the prevention of vice and the rift by telling the truth in front of tyrants and arrogant people, and by his interest in the issues of the entire nation," he said.

What the great scholar Badr al-Din al-Houthi contributed to the reality of Yemenis did not come from a vacuum, but was the result of his conviction and belief in the necessity of following up on the issues of the nation and paying attention to them.

In this context, his son, Yahya Badr al-Din, said, "The divine scholar Sayyid Badr al-Din al-Houthi was very interested in the affairs of the nation and its major issues, and he followed events daily, discussed and analyzed them with great interest, with his students, and he always called for victory for the vulnerable on earth, especially in Palestine and the injustice they suffer from the usurping Zionists."

He added, "He was distinguished by enthusiasm and jealousy for religion for fear that poisonous ideas would extend to it, and when he read an article or read a book or hear an idea that affects the religion of Islam and the belief of Ahl al-Bayt, he does not settle his decision and does not rest in his mind until he comes to repel it, refute and invalidate it, in a polite manner and in a scientific and fair way, so you see him in all his books in response to the violators mentions the opponent's argument and then responds to him from the books of the people of his doctrine in order to oblige him to the argument."

Many scholars and analysts confirm that the pride and dignity that Yemen is currently witnessing, the victories and support achieved by the Yemeni people for the Palestinian people, and the harsh blows carried out by its valiant army to the enemies, led by America and the Zionist entity, are the fruit of the sincere move of the scholar, Sayyid. Badr al-Din bin Amir al-Din al-Houthi.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:30:59 +0300