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Escalating threat: explosive devices challenge Occupation forces in West Bank operations
Escalating threat: explosive devices challenge Occupation forces in West Bank operations
Escalating threat: explosive devices challenge Occupation forces in West Bank operations
[Thu, 04 Jul 2024 11:17:48 +0300]

CAPITALAS July 04. 2024 (Saba) - As the Zionist war government continues to face evident failures in achieving its objectives against the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, a significant state of deterrence has emerged in the West Bank.

This reflects a strategic setback for the Zionist entity, particularly due to the resistance's enhanced capabilities in conducting more sophisticated operations and developing advanced weaponry.

These developments have contributed to diminishing the Zionist entity's ability to control and suppress organized resistance activities effectively.

The situation underscores a broader trend of increasing challenges and setbacks for the Zionist government, highlighting its struggle to maintain dominance amid evolving tactics and capabilities of the Palestinian resistance.

Despite the Zionist enemy's persistent efforts to quash the resistance in the West Bank through ongoing raids, assassinations, and arrests, these attempts have highlighted the significant challenges it faces.

This difficulty has underscored yet another aspect of the enemy's failure: the inability to fragment and divide areas, particularly between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to sever connections with supporting fronts for Axis forces.

The evidence lies in the fact that despite stringent security measures enforced by the Netanyahu government, they have failed to stem the escalating operations of the Palestinian resistance across various cities in the West Bank. From Jenin and its camps in the north to Hebron, Nablus, Qalqilya, Tubas, Ramallah, and Jericho, the resistance has continued to operate effectively.

This persistence reflects the resilience and adaptability of the Palestinian resistance movement in the face of formidable challenges imposed by the occupying forces.

In recent days, the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank has launched unexpected and devastating attacks against the Zionist enemy forces, catching them off guard and inflicting significant casualties. These strikes, including shootings and explosive device detonations targeting enemy soldiers and officers, have been particularly intense in areas like Jenin and Nur al-Shams camps near Tulkarm.

Official reports from the Zionist enemy army confirm the killing of a soldier and the injury of an officer due to a targeted attack on a troop carrier during an operation in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, located in the northern West Bank.

This acknowledgment underscores the effectiveness and strategic impact of the Palestinian resistance's operations, highlighting their ability to strike at enemy forces with precision and intensity, causing considerable losses and disrupting enemy operations in the region.

According to enemy media reports, Sergeant Yehuda Ghetto, a reservist in the Zionist army, was killed by an explosive device targeting a vehicle in the Nour Shams camp. Additionally, an officer from the "Duvdevan" special commando forces unit was seriously wounded in the same incident.

Al-Quds Brigades - Tulkarm Brigade released a brief statement confirming that their fighters in the engineering unit successfully detonated the "Saeed" bomb, named after martyr Saeed al-Jaber, targeting a "Nimr" military vehicle on a main street axis. The operation resulted in the complete destruction of the vehicle and the killing and injury of its crew. Visual evidence of the operation was also released, documenting the successful strike.

This incident highlights the ongoing intensity of conflict and the effectiveness of Palestinian resistance operations in the West Bank, causing significant losses to Zionist forces and demonstrating the resilience and tactical prowess of the resistance fighters.

The Zionist Broadcasting Corporation reported that within a span of five days, a sniper squad leader and a soldier were killed, and 17 soldiers were wounded due to explosive device explosions in Tulkarm and Jenin. Despite the Zionist enemy not providing clear figures on their casualties in the West Bank, estimates suggest that dozens have been killed, with hundreds more injured in resistance gunfire or bombing operations.

Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi, a military and strategic expert, commented on the recent developments in resistance operations, describing them as a significant strategic shift in how battles and confrontations are managed. He emphasized that these qualitative operations will have far-reaching repercussions and consequences.

This situation underscores the escalating intensity of conflict in the West Bank, where Palestinian resistance forces have demonstrated their ability to effectively target and inflict losses on Zionist forces through precise and strategic operations. The ongoing developments indicate a challenging and evolving military landscape with implications that extend beyond immediate casualties to broader strategic considerations.

Major General Al-Duwairi, analyzing the military situation in the West Bank as reported by Al Jazeera Net, identified a significant strategic shift in how resistance factions are conducting their battles and confrontations with the occupation forces. He specifically pointed to the recent bombing operation in Jenin camp as a pivotal example of this change.

Al-Duwairi emphasized that this qualitative shift in battle management will bring about subsequent repercussions and varied consequences in the days ahead. He highlighted that the transformation involves adopting a new approach compared to previous stages of resistance operations in the West Bank. Previously, resistance efforts mainly involved confronting occupation forces with heavy weapons and strategically detonating explosive devices in specific locations with limited impact.

This shift indicates a more dynamic and potentially more effective strategy by Palestinian resistance factions, aiming to adapt and innovate their tactics to better challenge and disrupt occupation forces. Al-Duwairi's analysis underscores the evolving nature of conflict dynamics in the West Bank, suggesting that such strategic adjustments could influence the course of future engagements and outcomes in the region.

In response to the outstanding performance of the resistance in the occupied West Bank and the increasing diversity of their armed attacks, Zionist concerns have escalated regarding the frequency and spread of these operations across various settlements and military sites. Despite the Zionist army and security services' intensive efforts to contain these activities, they continue to face significant challenges.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, following the operation in Nour Shams, the Central Region Command and the West Bank Division are struggling to find effective solutions to the threat posed by explosive devices in West Bank camps. This challenge has already resulted in the deaths of two soldiers in separate incidents in Jenin and Nour Shams camps within days of each other.

The newspaper further reported that these bombings have prompted the Zionist army's central region leadership to reconsider their approach in combating these operations within the heart of West Bank camps. They are grappling with how to address the threat without disrupting the delicate balance and making it increasingly difficult for the army to operate effectively within these areas.

This situation highlights the evolving tactics and resilience of the Palestinian resistance, which continues to adapt and innovate despite intensified Zionist efforts to suppress their activities. The ongoing developments underscore the complex and fluid nature of the conflict in the West Bank, where strategic adjustments by both sides are shaping the dynamics of the confrontation.

The Zionist security forces have intensified their efforts with dozens of operations aimed at combating the increasing threat of explosive devices deployed by Palestinian activists in the West Bank. Unlike in the past, these activists are now demonstrating greater audacity by confronting Zionist forces openly during daylight, a departure from previous tactics where they would evade or hide upon the arrival of forces.

According to reports in the Zionist newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, data from Zionist security services highlight a concerning rise in the use of explosive devices. Since the beginning of 2024, approximately 500 major attacks have been thwarted in the West Bank and al-Quds. These attacks include about 350 shooting incidents and around 140 instances involving explosive devices. This marks a notable increase compared to the entire year of 2023, during which Zionist forces managed to thwart 1,032 attacks, including 121 with explosive devices.

The escalation in attacks underscores the ongoing challenge faced by Zionist authorities in maintaining security and control in these regions. The shift towards more brazen tactics by Palestinian activists poses a significant operational challenge for the Zionist security apparatus, necessitating constant adaptation and adjustment of their countermeasures.

The occupation army has stated that it is undertaking a comprehensive campaign to address the threat of explosives in the West Bank. This campaign includes efforts to control the smuggling of explosives and raw materials used for their construction. Additionally, the army is actively pursuing individuals involved in the handling, operation, and planting of explosive devices throughout the region.

By targeting both the supply chain of explosives and the individuals responsible for their deployment, the occupation army aims to reduce the effectiveness of these weapons and enhance security measures across the West Bank. This approach reflects their ongoing efforts to mitigate the growing threat posed by explosive devices and to maintain a semblance of control amidst heightened tensions and incidents of resistance activities.

According to the Zionist Kan channel, following the Nour Shams operation, there has been increased attention to the threat posed by explosive devices in the West Bank. These devices are now reportedly utilized in every incursion into areas like Jenin or Tulkarm, sometimes containing significant amounts of explosive material, up to tens of kilograms. They are typically operated remotely by resistance fighters who strategically place them beneath the asphalt layers of streets.

Kan highlighted that the occupation army responds by employing armored bulldozers, such as the "D-9," to sweep streets before advancing other vehicles. This preemptive measure aims to trigger explosions with the bulldozers themselves, but it often proves insufficient. Resistance fighters employ increasingly sophisticated methods to plant explosives, making it challenging for the army to detect and neutralize them before soldiers in other vehicles arrive.

This dynamic underscores the ongoing technological and tactical advancements on both sides of the conflict, with Palestinian resistance adapting their strategies to evade detection and inflict damage, while the Zionist forces continue to adjust their methods to counteract these threats effectively. The situation reflects a tense and evolving security environment in the West Bank, where each side is engaged in a strategic battle of wits and technology.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 07 Jul 2024 11:08:46 +0300