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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Minister of Human Rights: Security Council has become department of US State Department, represents part of problem
Minister of Human Rights: Security Council has become department of US State Department, represents part of problem
Minister of Human Rights: Security Council has become department of US State Department, represents part of problem
[Thu, 04 Jul 2024 20:42:52 +0300]

SANA'A July 04. 2024 (Saba) - The Ministry of Human Rights held on Thursday a press conference in Sana'a entitled "The Security Council is a mechanism of the US State Department."

At the conference, the Minister of Human Rights in the caretaker government, Ali Hussein Al-Dailami, stressed that the Security Council has become a department of the US State Department, and continues to issue resolutions that have nothing to do with either the Council or the United Nations General Assembly, which cannot stop any decision taken by the Security Council.

"The Security Council, with great regret, whose mission is to establish international peace and security, has become part of the problem, not the solution, because it works to fuel conflicts around the world," he said.

He referred to Security Council Resolution No. 2739 on Yemen and renewed its condemnation of the Yemeni strikes in the Red Sea without bothering to condemn the crimes of the Zionist enemy entity and the war of extermination against the Palestinian people in Gaza, which is the main reason for the Yemeni strikes on ships heading to the occupied Palestinian ports in the Red Sea.

Minister Al-Dailami reiterated that the Security Council in its last meeting on Yemen was clearly biased, and this is not strange to it in such situations, which Yemen suffered during the previous period from aggression and siege by the US-Saudi-UAE coalition.

"The Security Council expresses its concerns about the ships heading to Israel so that their lifeline is not interrupted, but it has not expressed any concerns about the Zionist genocide of the Palestinians because it does not concern it or their lives, and this is the crime practiced by the Council against the peoples who struggle for their freedom, dignity and independence," he said.

He referred to the Security Council resolution on Yemen and its affirmation of the need for all Member States to abide by the arms embargo on the Yemen, while weapons that exterminate civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and head by ship to the Zionist entity must arrive safely and no one intercepts them or hinders their arrival by Yemeni forces, considering this one of the most immoral and inhumane duplicity practiced by the Security Council and the members who voted for it.

The Minister of Human Rights in the caretaker government expressed regret that there is no one to rise up for the Palestinians in the Security Council, even to denounce the crimes of the Zionists. "What's worse is that this council threatens those who support the Palestinians with resolutions and sanctions against anyone who feels humane towards the tragedy of the Palestinian people and those who support and support them in their plight," he added.

The Security Council resolution on Yemen called for caution and restraint in strikes by the Yemeni armed forces supporting the Palestinian people, while the Israel did not call for restraint or caution.

Al-Dailami pointed out that the council exercises the role of policeman and security guard for the Zionist entity to arrive and roam the region freely and criminally, and will work to protect it from any threat or support for the Palestinian people, and will issue decisions, hold sessions and issue sanctions against the resistance that struggles for freedom and independence in the region.

He also stressed that the members of the Security Council who voted on the resolution condemning the strikes of the Yemeni forces in the Red Sea, offer allegiance to the Zionist entity and affirm that they will not abandon it. He considered this a stain on the forehead and history of the countries that voted on the resolution and that it is a betrayal of their responsibility for the violations and criminality committed by Israel.

Minister Al-Dailami explained that the Security Council and the international agencies and organizations of the United Nations are being hacked without taking any measures about it, especially by the employees of the US embassy, who move between United Nations organizations with ease.

"The task has become difficult in obtaining human fairness and non-alignment, because we have to beware of penetration, because the United Nations has contributed to distorting human rights organizations and allowing America to control and control them, and at the same time it has become one of the pressure cards it exerts on everyone," he said.

The Minister of Human Rights in the caretaker government said that fears are multiplied as a result of the Security Council's lack of justice for the bloody crimes committed in Gaza and Palestine, expressing regret for the Council's convening to stop the Yemeni forces from supporting Palestine and standing with the executioner and the criminal.

He stressed that the Security Council is in fact nothing but a weapon in the hands of America directed to destroy all the resistance forces in the world that are looking for their freedom, dignity and independence from American hegemony. He pointed out that the United Nations, which submits reports to the Council, is not implemented, but deliberately ignores, including reports related to crimes of starvation and crimes against humanity in Yemen and Palestine.

Al-Dailami pointed out that the United Nations, with great regret, has become in clinical death and the final word is for the Security Council, which is one of the mechanisms of the American Foreign Ministry and global Zionism, pointing out that the US administration has all the powers and resolutions of the Security Council and its mechanisms and has become compatible to serve the American project and the Zionist agenda.

"We will seek to project this fact on the positions, evidence and events that took place in Yemen and the region, especially the last meeting of the Security Council and the harmonious language issued by the Council and consistent with the US discourse, which means that there is a setback in the international resolution that requires a unified international position to stand in the face of the blatant confiscation of the Council's mechanisms and international mechanisms," he said.

He called for the creation of humanitarian blocs in Africa, South Asia and South America to protect human rights around the world, stressing the need to reform the UN system, which has become an obstacle to international peace and security.

In response to a question by the representative of the Yemeni news agency Saba - about the roles of Russia and China as permanent members of the Security Council on the resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the Minister of Human Rights commended the Russia and China for abstaining from voting on most Security Council resolutions and blocking them.

He expressed the hope that the positions of Russia and China would be biased towards humanity and reflect the humanitarian attitude that serves humanity in various countries around the world.

The conference was attended by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Rights Ali Saleh Tayseer, Directors of Planning and National Vision at the Ministry of Human Rights Dr. Aref Al-Ameri, International Organizations and Reports Ibrahim Al-Hubaishi and the Ministry's official spokesperson Sanad Al-Sayadi.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 07 Jul 2024 14:36:07 +0300