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Minister of Youth honors winners of Republic Table Tennis Clubs Championship
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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[12 August 2024]
America & beginning of countdown to painful end
America & beginning of countdown to painful end
America & beginning of countdown to painful end
[Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:59:58 +0300]

SANA'A August 20. 2024 (Saba) -America built its current empire based on three basic components that made it a superpower in the world, represented by the economic component, the military component, and the intelligence component, and through them it imposes itself on the world and twists the arms of regimes on different continents.

In fact, these components are the basis for building any country in the world, but their direction is what differentiates a country like America from other countries, as the former directs these components to exploit and colonize countries and make them revolve in the American orbit to serve its interests and ambitions.

This situation has been going on for decades, but as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. Recently, the process of decline or countdown to a time in which America dominated the world has begun, and the three components on which it relied to build its civilization and establish its control over the world are in decline.

This is evident in the decline of American economic power and the emergence of strong, rising and rapidly developing economies in the world, such as the Chinese economy, which has swept the world and made America decline to second place economically.

The same applies to the Russian economy, which is achieving rapid growth rates, according to the World Bank, despite American and Western sanctions on it, as well as the rapid development of the five Asian economic tigers that have amazed the world in their economic development. Therefore, a strong blow has recently been dealt to the American economy worldwide.

The same applies to the military component, as for decades America has not been able to achieve any military victory alone or even with the NATO group of countries, and examples of this are still vivid, the most recent of which was what happened in Afghanistan, which is evidence of that.

The world is still experiencing the repercussions of the humiliating withdrawal of American and NATO forces from Afghanistan, and what happened in Iraq also confirms the American military confusion and its setbacks; America has been in a state of military decline for some time.

Many countries have achieved amazing leaps in the field of military technology based on science and technology that America has not been able to achieve. An example of this is the hypersonic missiles that Russia, China, and finally Iran possess. Military experts in this field confirm that America needs years to reach hypersonic missile technology.

The defeat suffered by America in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea at the hands of the Yemeni forces is a vivid example of the American military decline, and the world is currently experiencing its chapters.

The American intelligence component is relied upon by America primarily to establish its policy and sovereignty over the world, such as planning coups and carrying out assassinations against national leaders and influential figures.

It is not surprising that there is an integrated and advanced intelligence unit in every American embassy in the world that studies and monitors the political and economic situation in this or that country.

However, the American Central Intelligence Agency has recently suffered many setbacks and defeats, including the issue of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq based on misleading intelligence information.

as well as what happened in the Republic of Yemen with the discovery and arrest of an American spy network that used the work of international organizations as a starting point for its intelligence work. Thus, this Yemeni intelligence victory is a nail in the coffin of American intelligence, which has begun to noticeably decline in its work around the world.

All of these matters confirm that the United States of America has entered the countdown phase, which is the initial steps towards the collapse and decline of an American civilization that was built on invasion, blood, and the exploitation of peoples’ wealth and resources.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:46:22 +0300