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Netanyahu's false, contradictory speech sparks criticism, ridicule from Zionist media
Netanyahu's false, contradictory speech sparks criticism, ridicule from Zionist media
Netanyahu's false, contradictory speech sparks criticism, ridicule from Zionist media
[Tue, 03 Sep 2024 21:58:22 +0300]

By Marzah Al-Asal

SANA'A September 3. 2024 (Saba) - The last speech of the head of the Zionist enemy entity's government, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Monday, sparked criticism and ridicule from the Zionist media, which described it as a basket of confused and disorganized lies, as if he was breathing lies with this speech that he cannot survive with now.

The Zionist enemy's media strongly criticized Netanyahu's speech, describing it as "lacking a lot of accuracy, painful, and the amount of lies and contradictions in it is unbelievable"... noting that the Palestinian resistance produced the majority of its weapons inside the Gaza Strip.

The Zionist media wondered... The ship is actually sinking, can he (Netanyahu) save himself this time? Or will he drown everyone?

The enemy's media explained that Netanyahu's last speech reveals an escalating crisis in the political and military situation of the usurping entity, which is evident in several critical aspects related to negotiations with the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, the deterioration of relations with military and labor bodies, and the increasing internal problems.

He pointed out that Netanyahu's statements about the failure to free the six prisoners and their deaths indicate the enormous pressure he is facing from the families of the prisoners and the public, and this failure reinforces the feeling of frustration and anxiety among the Zionists, especially with Hamas intensifying its operations against this temporary entity, and Netanyahu's speech reflects his attempt to present an image of strength and determination despite the failure.

The enemy's media believes that Netanyahu's insistence on his firm position regarding the Philadelphi Corridor and his relationship with Hamas shows his desire to maintain the tough military position, despite the high costs, as his statements about the Philadelphi Corridor being the "oxygen tube" for Hamas reflect an acknowledgement of the importance of this corridor in strengthening the movement's capabilities, and make it clear that any retreat could lead to an exacerbation of the threats.

Netanyahu is facing increasing criticism from within the Zionist entity due to his failure to achieve tangible victories in the conflict with the Palestinian resistance, and in addition, he is exposed to international pressure regarding resolving the conflict, while international efforts continue to pressure the usurping entity to reach peaceful solutions.

Netanyahu's statements also confirm the current strategy that relies on military force and maintaining a firm position against Hamas, which reflects the continuation of the policy of confrontation instead of seeking a political settlement. However, with the escalation of pressures from within and without, it will be difficult for him to maintain this strategy without making concessions or seeking diplomatic solutions.

Observers believe that Netanyahu is in a critical position reflected in his recent speech, which seeks to show strength and cohesion, but at the same time reveals the depth of failure and inability to manage crises effectively. His speech shows that Netanyahu relies on warlike statements to cover up failure and weakness, which reinforces the feeling that his political fate faces major challenges and does not seem capable of surviving under the current circumstances.

Netanyahu announced in a televised press conference in occupied Jerusalem last night his adherence to remaining in the Philadelphi Corridor. He stressed that "his position regarding the Philadelphi Corridor is firm and will not change."

Netanyahu said: This axis is "Hamas' oxygen tube, and it must be cut off." He pointed out that "the withdrawal of the occupation army from the Philadelphi Corridor made Gaza a major source of threat to us, and was tantamount to opening the way for weapons and other things to enter Hamas."

He stressed that there was no previous international agreement that allowed them to occupy the Philadelphi axis, stressing that achieving the war's goals passes through this axis. In this context, the political commentator on the Zionist Channel 12, Yaron Abraham, reminded Netanyahu of what happened in Operation "Al-Aqsa Flood" on October 7, refuting his claim that nothing entered the border "other than the Philadelphi axis", and stressing that the resistance's infiltration on the day of the Al-Aqsa Flood "is worse than that."

Abraham said: Netanyahu "says one thing and the opposite" regarding the international approval to occupy the "Philadelphi Corridor", calling on him to pay attention to the time factor, "he does not have time, and we saw that this week".

In turn, the military commentator on the Zionist Channel 12, Nir Dvori, confirmed the inaccuracy of Netanyahu's words, pointing out that the "Philadelphi Corridor" was not the central problem, after eight months of war, and the occupation "army" not advancing towards it or carrying out any operation there.

He added: Even when the "army" was pushed to carry out an operation in its direction, "Netanyahu hesitated, and did not give his approval for the ground operation there", denying Netanyahu's talk about smuggling weapons through the "Philadelphi Corridor", and asserting that the weapons smuggling operations "were not carried out from under the corridor, but from within the Rafah crossing itself", and said: "The majority of the weapons were produced by Hamas, inside the Strip".

Dvori stressed that the path to eliminating Hamas does not pass through the "Philadelphi Corridor", mocking Netanyahu's talk about finding solutions in the north. He asked: "How does "Israel" want to reach a solution in the north, when it has not finished the process in the south?" For his part, the political commentator on the Zionist Channel 13, Raviv Drucker, said: "The press conference is very painful.. and under these circumstances, no prisoner will come out of there in a deal." He stressed that the amount of lies and contradictions in Netanyahu's conference is unbelievable.

The Zionist newspaper "Haaretz" had previously confirmed that Netanyahu had lost control of his lies, as happens to him when he is under pressure, especially since he is cornered due to the pressures of calling for a deal for the detainees and the United States.

The leader of the Zionist "opposition", Yair Lapid, also attacked Netanyahu's speech, saying: "What we heard from Netanyahu is a baseless political trick." He added: "What he said about Philadelphia lacks any connection to reality."

Lapid stressed that no one believes Netanyahu's trick, "neither the security officials, nor the international system, nor the soldiers in Gaza" believe him. He added: "The Philadelphia representative does not really bother him, but rather Ben Gvir's representative Smotrich."

Lapid considered that It was a shameful press conference.. Noting that Netanyahu said at least one truth: He does not want to end the war.. "He said it three times, which means that he does not want to make a hostage deal, but wants a war forever.. His words had one terrible meaning: He will not make a deal."

Lapid addressed those he called "the most responsible people and parties in the coalition," saying: "Not only is Ben-Gvir allowed to issue ultimatums, but you are also allowed.. You can say: If there is no agreement, there will be no government.. And contrary to what he said, he is always the first to give in to pressure in the room."

At the end of his speech, Lapid addressed Netanyahu saying: "If you want to unite the people in the evening, do not blame those who think you are responsible for something that helps Sinwar in the afternoon."

Former Zionist War Cabinet member Benny Gantz mocked Netanyahu's speech on the Philadelphi Corridor on Monday evening, saying: "It is amazing that someone who was afraid to enter into an operation in the Gaza Strip, and did not want to maneuver at all in the southern part, is today explaining to the entire country the importance of one axis that he did not want to enter into."

He added: "Whoever again presents an offer with missile plans must also present an offer to release the hostages. We have another decade-long campaign in Gaza, and also in the Philadelphi Corridor. Anyone who does not know how to do that cannot lead the commitment to the general goals of the war, including the return of the hostages. Let the initiative be left to those who can face all the challenges."

Labor Party Chairman Yair Golan said: "The false statements of the man who built Hamas prove that this man is incompetent and dangerous. He decided to abandon the kidnapped to die in the captivity of a brutal organization. There has never been and will never be a greater reward for the enemies of "Israel" than Netanyahu. We will crush him, restore trust and restore hope."


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:30:57 +0300