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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Development Knights in Mahweet.. A human chain helping people affected by floods
Development Knights in Mahweet.. A human chain helping people affected by floods
Development Knights in Mahweet.. A human chain helping people affected by floods
[Thu, 05 Sep 2024 15:27:04 +0300]

SANA'A September 05. 2024 (Saba) -Ruggedness of the road and dangerous geographical terrain in the affected areas in Mahweet Governorate did not deter the determination and insistence of the Development Knights to extend a helping hand and reach the affected families in high mountains and deep valleys.

The huge destruction and severe damages left by floods, rock and mud collapses, and the downfall of dams and water barriers in some districts of Mahweet governorate, which left 64 citizens killed and 31 others lost, 45 homes damaged and 72 families displaced, according to official figures, all of this required an urgent relief campaign to alleviate the suffering of the affected families.

The government has harnessed all its human and technical capabilities to carry out an emergency relief campaign, the Zakat General Authority provided 47 million rials, the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation provided food and shelter assistance, and businessmen in Hodeida Governorate donated five million rials to contribute to supporting and making the official relief campaign a success.

However, official efforts - with the financial amounts, in-kind assistance and equipment available - were unable to pave their way to reach dozens of affected families due to the rugged roads that limited the inflow of aid and the success of the campaign.

Thus, the arms of 200 Development Knights in Mahweet emerged as the only solution to overcome the existing difficulties and obstacles, but also the most appropriate means to ensure the inflow of emergency aid to affected families located on mountaintops and valley bottoms in various Mahweet districts, especially in Malhan district with its rugged geographical terrain.

With efforts coordinated, the Development Knights successfully created a human chain; one knight after another carry aid on their shoulders for long distances and across rough roads to the affected families.

They in fact felt the sense of humanitarian responsibility placed on their shoulders as members of community initiatives teams in the governorate.

According to official reports and government leaders in the governorate, as well as analysts and observers, the efforts made by the Development Knights in relief work made a big difference in the civil life of the community and painted a unique humanitarian image in applying the essence of community initiatives; i.e. humanitarian cooperation.

They pointed out that the relief efforts of the Development Knights had a direct impact on the delivery of aid and on alleviating the suffering of the affected families.

By doing so, they contributed to strengthening community communication and strengthening relations between members of society.

They also succeeded in embodying all the values and goals of community initiatives that are based primarily on strengthening the principle of social solidarity, improving the lives of individuals, and developing society.


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:20:18 +0300