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Air defenses shoot down US MQ-9 aircraft
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Event for Women's Authority in Amran to celebrate anniversary of birth of Prophet
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Bayda's people gather to celebrate anniversary of birth of Prophet
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Abdul Salam: Targeting civilians, educational facilities by US-British aggression is dangerous escalation
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Number of female students in Al-Jand School in Taiz martyred & injured by US-British aggression warplanes raid
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Aggression aircraft launches three raids on Ibb
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Citizen martyred in explosion of aggression remnants in Sarwah, Marib
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US-British aggression aircraft launch raid on Kamaran Island
[12 August 2024]
Women's events in Sanhan district on Prophet's Birthday occasion
Women's events in Sanhan district on Prophet's Birthday occasion
Women's events in Sanhan district on Prophet's Birthday occasion
[Fri, 06 Sep 2024 23:10:47 +0300]

SANA'A September 06. 2024 (Saba)- Ansar Allah General Women's Authority in Sana'a province, Sanhan district, organized speeches to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, upon whom the best prayers and peace be upon him.

The speeches, which were held in the villages and areas of Al-Hijra, Sir Hareth, Al-Asfal, Obar Qasim in Hiziz district, and the villages of Al-Mahakra, Beit Hadir, Bir Suwaid, Al-Burzan, Al-Wajih and Shayan, pointed to the seizing importance the chosen one's birth anniversary - may Allah bless him and his family - as an educational, faith-based and jihadist mobilization station.

They emphasized the importance of drawing lessons from the Prophet's life, adhering to his righteous guidance, and following his path and footsteps, as they are the humanity salvation from oppressors, arrogant , criminal people, and in renewing sincere devotion to God, His Messenger and his Household, the flags of guidance.

The speeches praised the honorable positions of the Yemen of faith and wisdom in supporting the right Palestinian cause , the oppressed and confronting falsehood, as a religious, moral and humanitarian duty.

They emphasized that these positions reflect the Yemeni people's close and sincere attachment to the Holy Prophet, and their deep-rooted relationship with him - may God bless him and his family - since the dawn of the divine message.

The events concluded with solidarity stances with the Palestinian cause, denouncing the Zionist Israeli enemy's crimes and its American partner against the bleeding Gaza.


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:44:13 +0300