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  Revolution Leader
Revolution leader condemns assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, reaffirms support for Hezbollah
Revolution leader condemns assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, reaffirms support for Hezbollah
Revolution leader condemns assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, reaffirms support for Hezbollah
[Sat, 28 Sep 2024 22:03:38 +0300]

Sana'a - Saba : Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi on Saturday expressed his deep condolences over the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah, reiterating Yemen’s unwavering support for Hezbollah and the Lebanese people.

Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized that the blood of the martyred Mujahid /fighter Hassan Nasrallah and his comrades in Palestine and Lebanon will not be in vain, vowing that their sacrifices would strengthen the resistance against oppression and aggression. He also reassured that the Yemeni people stand in solidarity with Hezbollah in their continued struggle.

He also extended his sympathies to Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, as well as to the Palestinian people and all those involved in the struggle against oppression. Sayyed Abdulmalik reaffirmed Yemen's solidarity with the resistance fronts, especially those supporting Palestine, and honored the sacrifice of Nasrallah in the ongoing fight for justice.

Sayyed Abdulmalik expressed solidarity with Hezbollah, emphasizing that the support fronts, the axis of jihad, and the banner of Islam will continue to rise despite the challenges posed by the Zionist Nazi enemy. He called on all Muslims to remain steadfast, warning that the Zionist regime is a threat not only to Islam but to humanity. He further affirmed that the Yemeni people will continue to stand with their brothers in Lebanon and Palestine, committed to the ongoing resistance.

He added, "We will not let down the two dear peoples and comrades in the path, the Mujahideen in Lebanon and Palestine." He expressed hope that the media front would play its role in being active during this important circumstance, and that the "knights of jihad" would intensify their efforts to confront all the "satanic campaigns" aimed at breaking morale by the "Zionist enemy and its hypocritical agents."

The Leader pointed out that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was a shining star in the sky of the Mujahideen, a great, blessed, and successful leader who carried the banner of Islam and Jihad, embodying the values and morals of Islam. He was honorable, steadfast, patient, brave, proud, loyal, truthful, sincere, honest, and trustworthy. Both friend and foe knew him for these qualities. Through his leadership and the efforts of his comrades in Hezbollah, God achieved great victories and monumental strides toward glory and honor.

He added, "In the face of this great sacrifice for the sake of God, our response is one of accountability and patience, filled with sadness and anger towards the enemies of God and humanity—the criminal Zionist Jews. Our brothers and sisters in Hezbollah, along with the masses of the resistance, fully understand that the path of jihad for the sake of God is also a path of martyrdom, where sacrifices are part of jihad itself and a great offering to our Lord. These sacrifices stand as a testament to our values and a witness to the oppression we face."

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi explained that Hezbollah, under its leadership and through its cadres, mujahideen, members, and masses, embodied the Husseini spirit of faith from its inception, carrying it into the field of jihad. He noted that they have faced challenges, hardships, and difficult stages with steadfastness.

He emphasized the importance of following in the footsteps of the devout. This reiteration reflects a call to steadfastness, patience, and reliance on God in the face of adversity.

The Leader emphasized that the appropriate response in this critical moment is one of patience, acceptance, steadfastness, and trust in Allah Almighty. He expressed confidence that the great sacrifices and immense injustices will not be in vain, as Allah will accept them and reward the patient and hopeful believers with victory and a good outcome.

He further stressed that the most important and urgent task in this sensitive and significant circumstance is to strive to thwart the criminal Zionist enemies. He explained that these enemies, through their heinous crime, aim to break the morale and weaken Hezbollah's front, which has been a pioneering and resilient force in confronting the Zionist enemy since the beginning of Hezbollah's jihadist journey.

He said, "Loyalty to the martyr of Muslims and humanity, His Eminence the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, may God be pleased with him, is to continue the jihadist journey with determination, patience, steadfastness, seeking help from God, trusting in Him, and relying on Him. Just as the hopes of the Zionist enemies were disappointed after killing the great martyr and mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, may God be pleased with him, their hopes will be disappointed in their great crime of targeting the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah." The Leader of the Revolution added, "As for the support fronts, the axis of jihad and resistance, and the great front, the Palestine front, no matter how great the sacrifices are, that does not mean resignation or weakness, but rather more patience, steadfastness, work, great motivation, and a move towards escalation and developing performance."

The leade raddresses the actions of the Zionist enemy, suggesting that it falsely believes it has achieved victory through its crimes, driven by hatred, vengeance, and aggressive tendencies. The leader reflects on various assassinations carried out by the Zionist forces, including those of Hezbollah leaders like Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and Imad Mughniyeh, as well as Palestinian leaders such as Ahmed Yassin and Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi. Despite these losses, the leader emphasizes that these acts of violence did not achieve the Zionist enemy's goals. Instead of weakening the resistance, such actions have strengthened the resolve and dedication of the Mujahideen, who continue to carry the banner of resistance. The leader argues that, with God's help, the resistance has achieved victory after victory, refusing to surrender or be defeated.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi emphasizes that the Zionist enemy will bear the responsibility for its major crimes, including the killings of leaders and others, yet despite these actions, it has not achieved its desired results. He expresses confidence in the inevitable downfall of the Zionist regime, as promised by God, who does not break His word.

He reassures the martyrs and their comrades in Palestine and Lebanon that their sacrifices have not been in vain. He highlights the steadfastness, patience, and hope of those continuing the struggle, trusting in God's justice and guidance. The statement concludes with a call to faith, placing reliance on God as the best protector and the one who controls the ultimate destiny.


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:28:35 +0300