Dhamar - Saba:
The Tax Authority Branch and the branches of the Khat and Real Estate Tax Units in Dhamar province organized a speech event to celebrate Rajab Friday.
At the event, speeches were delivered by Ali al-Hawati, director of Tax Authority Branch, and Mohammed al-Qadouri, director of Qat Tax Unit Branch, who emphasized the importance of celebrating Rajab Friday because of the great value of this anniversary in Yemeni and Islamic history.
They explained that the identity of the Yemenis was admired by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) because he realized the role they would play in supporting Islam and standing up to tyranny.
They blessed the operations of the armed forces against the US, British and Zionist enemy forces, and expressed pride in the position of the Revolution Leader in supporting the Palestinians.
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