Jawf - Saba:
Following Friday prayers, solidarity vigils were held in the districts of Al-Jawf province in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in praise of the decisions of the Revolution Leader to resume the ban on navigation against Israeli ships until the crossings are opened and humanitarian aid enters Gaza Strip, the participants denounced the shameful Arab silence.
Participants denounced the shameful Arab silence towards the suffering of the Palestinians and the Zionist enemy's continued violations of the ceasefire agreement.
Statements issued by the vigils praised the great and honorable stance taken by the revolution leader, Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the Yemeni armed forces against the Zionist enemy ships, which is the first step in an escalating process to keep pace with the developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip.
They emphasized the absolute submission to the leader and readiness to implement what he directs, as well as continuing to support the Palestinian people.
They condemned the crimes and massacres committed by takfiri groups in Syria against civilians in the Syrian coast. It emphasized that this malicious approach does not represent Islam and only serves the Americans and Zionists.
The statements called on the nation's scholars to expose the malicious takfiri ideology, expose the takfiri groups' links to US , Israeli projects and warn Muslims against them.
They also called on everyone to make sure to spend money in the way of Allah and give charity to the poor especially during the holy month, in addition to continuing to support the missile, air and naval forces.

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