SANA'A, Mar. 29 (Saba) - His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, confirmed on Tuesday that the initiative, which was launched on the eve of March 26, coinciding with the National Day of Steadfastness, came in the context of ensuring the legitimate rights of the Yemeni people.
In an exclusive interview broadcast by Yemen TV, President al-Mashat clarified that the initiative, which came after the third operation to break the siege in the Saudi depth, represents a clearing of responsibility and an argument against the countries of aggression, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the so-called "Riyadh consultations."
He stressed that there is no relationship between Sana'a's readiness for dialogue in a neutral country and what is being arranged in Riyadh, pointing out that the gathering of the ranks of the aggression coalition is not peace consultations.
He explained that these consultations have nothing to do with peace, and their goal is to arrange the internal situation for mercenaries.
President al-Mashat said: "We want serious efforts to reach comprehensive solutions, and what is being arranged in Riyadh is not in the context of peace, and if there is a serious peace process, we are ready to deal with it."
He pointed out that there have been continuous contacts from time to time since the beginning of the aggression, but unfortunately they do not lead to results.
The President pointed out that the contradiction in the calls of the Gulf Cooperation Council are not strange, as the aggression from the first day is full of contradictions.
He said, "We have repeatedly presented clear visions that lead to a comprehensive political solution and end the manifestations of aggression in full, and we recently presented a humanitarian paper to the UN envoy before the Security Council session, but unfortunately there is no response."
He stated that "the United Nations and many international parties, even enemies, admit to us in bilateral conversations that our proposal is logical."
President al-Mashat continued, "We assured the United Nations in the days of the previous envoy that there is no longer an opportunity to manipulate the issue of time and impose the will of the enemies on us. It is our right not to accept any proposals that contradict the demands and will of our people."
He reiterated that it is impossible for Yemen to be a back garden, or for the Yemeni people to be humiliated or begging for their right to live.
He added, "It is difficult to receive a UN envoy who is unable to enter a fuel vessel, whoever represents the United Nations and is unable to enter a fuel vessel will be more helpless in others", pointing out that the UN envoy now knows that those who obstruct his mission and efforts are the countries of aggression, because it is forbidden to enter oil ships.
The President indicated that the Arab League had failed the masses of the Arab nation as a result of its deviation from the charter for which it was established.
He expected that the eighth year would be full of surprises if the enemy did not heed the voice of reason and logic.
He said: "All our options are open and surprises are possible in the future, but we hope that they will hear the voice of reason. Our demands are right and no one in this world can wish us our rights."
He stated the enemies have ambitions, " we have people's rights that we are working to achieve at all levels", stressing that the enemies have reached a crisis and entered a quagmire from which they could not get out of the way they imagined.
President al-Mashat said: "The escalation is possible and the war is still going on and at its intensity, and the new thing is that we have begun to open more and more painful options, and whoever doubts the Yemen capacity of our strikes, we do not concern the nationalities he/she wants them."
He stressed that the Yemen Cyclone campaign came as a container to contain and organize the popular mobilization, not because there is a shortage of fighters, this is not true, and whoever talks about this in Yemen is delusional, pointing out that "the enemy's military and economic escalation serves our fronts and achieves nothing."
The president went on saying "We are not sorry about targeting the UAE base, al-Dhafrah, and let them consider it a challenge or whatever they want or name it, because it is our human right to respond to the aggressor, whether it is a "great or small" force, indicating that the aggression is continuing, and it must reckon the consequences of being the aggressor.
He stated that the fuel crisis is an extension of an economic war since the US ambassador in Kuwait announced that he would work to strike the value of the Yemeni currency, stressing that the Americans and British are responsible for the file of the economic war on Yemen to bring suffering to every home.
He added, "The high cost of living comes in the context of a series of programs that the enemy is working on in every dirt to exhaust our people. The enemy is practicing a policy of trying to bring the Yemenis to their knees, and punishes them for rejecting its agenda and steadfastness in confronting it."
He stressed that the economic front is not inferior to the military, but rather more difficult, because through it the enemy can pass its crime to every family.
President clarified that there are those who reach day and night in the context of thwarting the enemy’s plots on the economic front, considering the media “a double-edged sword, and the enemy is watching all our movements to see our plans while we are in a proactive process.”
He pointed out making decisions on the economic front is the same as on the military front and is not subject to public slogans.
He said, "We appreciate the feeling of the people and we want to announce our efforts, but we have experiences in which the enemy exploited the leaks, so we do not show all or some of what has been accomplished. Rather, the operations and strategic steps are never disclosed to the media."
President al-Mashat added: "When we presented projects in the field of road maintenance, the next day, the mercenaries prevented the entry of asphalt, so we directed them to ban the show."
He touched on the efforts made by officials to lay the first foundations for building the state and its institutions, pointing out that the reform process in institutions targets the double and the illusory, not the people.
The President stressed that the high prices are linked to the blockade, and the aggression bears its responsibility. The exchange rate is one part of several issues that lead to a rise in prices, pointing out that the high prices of the stock exchange, shipping, fuel, and the siege measures are main reasons for the rise in commodities.
He added, "If the goods were entered from the ports designed for proper transportation and at the lowest cost, the prices would not have increased."
The President of the Supreme Political Council added: "We are engaged in an ongoing discussion with merchants, especially on the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan, to set prices, and there are those who take advantage of circumstances and changes, but we have a program to control prices. Thus, I assure our people that we will achieve what they aspire to from a free and dignified life."

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