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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Sayyed Nasrallah's speech...Messages to enemy  must realize readiness of resistance
Sayyed Nasrallah's speech...Messages to enemy must realize readiness of resistance
Sayyed Nasrallah's speech...Messages to enemy must realize readiness of resistance

CAPITALS June 25. 2024 (Saba) - In the face of the equation of imposing war on Lebanon, the speech of the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Nasrallah, according to analysts, carried within it clearly defined messages to the Zionist entity, to the effect that the Lebanese resistance is not looking for a confrontation with it, but is always ready for any war that may be imposed on it. Tel Aviv must realize the readiness of the resistance and its ability to respond and confront.

In the context of responding to all Zionist threats, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah affirmed in his final speech at the memorial ceremony held by Hezbollah on Wednesday, in honor of Commander Talib Abdullah (Abu Talib), that “the threat of war over eight months does not frighten us, and there are people who evaluate this possibility based on He is serious. We, as a resistance, have prepared ourselves for the worst days, and the enemy knows what awaits him, and therefore he remains deterred.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said: “If war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without controls, without rules, and without a ceiling,” stressing that “the Zionist enemy knows that what also awaits him in the Mediterranean is very large, and all of its coasts, and ships will be targeted.”

He stressed that the party has "long hours of filming Haifa and its surroundings and beyond and beyond," threatening that "the possibility of storming the Galilee remains present and present within the framework of any war that may be imposed on Lebanon."

He also stressed that "the resistance force today in Lebanon is unprecedented, and has exceeded one hundred thousand fighters, and possesses a large number of advanced missiles and drones that will appear in the field and that we are manufacturing."

Sayyed Nasrallah continued, saying: “We have fought with part of our weapons so far, and we have obtained new weapons that will appear in the field. We have developed our weapons and used new weapons in this battle, and we have a large and abundant number of drones because we manufacture it.”

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah stressed that "the great pressure from the South Lebanon Front, in addition to the other fronts, is affecting the negotiating front regarding the outcome of the war," pointing out that "the Lebanon Support Front continues its operations and inflicts human, material, moral, and psychological losses on the enemy and makes sacrifices as well."

He said: “The enemy army hides its losses on the northern front so as not to be exposed to further pressure.” He added: “According to the enemy’s leaders, the Lebanon front employed more than 100,000 soldiers and several divisions, and had it not been for it, sufficient forces would have been available to defeat Gaza.

The Lebanon front withheld forces.” The enemy has refrained from participating in Gaza, some of which are elite forces, because there is a fear among the enemy that the resistance will enter the Galilee, which remains on the table if the confrontation develops.”

He pointed out that "the Lebanon front, in addition to exhausting the enemy, displaced tens of thousands of settlers, in addition to economic and tourism losses, until for the first time there was a security belt in northern occupied Palestine."

In this context, military analysts believe that one of the most important messages that Sayyed Nasrallah wanted to convey to the Zionist entity is that Lebanon is ready for any aggression or to expand the war against it against the backdrop of threats that have reached more than two hundred since the eighth of last October to Lebanon.

Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, retired Brigadier General Hisham Jaber said: Mr. Nasrallah was clear in talking about the weapons of the resistance... pointing out that Hezbollah is capable, within less than an hour, of carrying out a massive attack on the Zionist entity with missiles and drones, according to a bank of specific goals it has. In addition to the presence of tens of thousands of fighters ready for battle.

He noted that Sayyed Nasrallah wanted to deliver a message that this war “was imposed on us, and we cannot stop and grant the Zionist enemy gains that it was unable to achieve with its military capabilities, and has failed to achieve so far.”

As for political analyst Qasim Kassir, he believes that Nasrallah responded in his speech to all the threats that reached Lebanon to stop the war on the southern front... stressing Hezbollah’s readiness for any war that the Zionist entity might wage against Lebanon, and stressing at the same time that this war will not be in a traditional manner and the party is ready for it.

The political analyst explains that the speech carries a response to what was stated by the American envoy Amos Hockstein, and the message was clear that “if the goal is to stop the war on the southern front or in Yemen or Iraq, then the only solution is to stop the war in Gaza.”

In his opinion, Sayyed Nasrallah has revealed a lot about the capabilities of the resistance in confronting the Zionist entity and its readiness for war, which will be without restrictions or limits for the first time, Sayyed Nasrallah used an expression indicating that the war will be on land, at sea, and in the air.

He described this speech as deterrent and escalatory, supported by accurate information about the resistance’s capabilities, and reinforced by the monitoring achieved by the resistance through the “Hodhod” march.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:08:31 +0300