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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  Revolution Leader
Revolution leader: Yemen has struck at America's prestige, which other countries dare not challenge by targeting its warships
Revolution leader: Yemen has struck at America's prestige, which other countries dare not challenge by targeting its warships
Revolution leader: Yemen has struck at America's prestige, which other countries dare not challenge by targeting its warships

SANA'A June 27. 2024 (Saba) - The Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, affirmed that the Yemeni people, with their qualitative military operations, have struck the prestige of America, which other countries do not dare to target its battleships or ships at sea or bases.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi said in a speech today on the latest developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional developments, "The position of our dear people has achieved great victories and is carrying out its military operations and moving at this level and adopting the honorable position with boldness, faith and courage, which is in the position of victory."

He called on the sons of Yemen to go out the man-million march tomorrow Friday in the seventy square in the capital Sana'a and in the rest of the squares of the provinces and directorates He added, "Our people, by coming out of the man-million march honorable, will confirm their steadfastness, continuity, loyalty and sincerity with God Almighty and their continuous support for the oppressed Palestinian people."

He pointed out that the man-million march and activities of various kinds in mobilization, training, vigils and events reflect the Yemeni people's faith, vitality, effectiveness, strength and courage, while they are in a position of victory, honor and pride.

He explained that the Yemeni people will continue to support Gaza through marches, demonstrations, vigils and all activities and events, and will maintain the lead within the framework of their honorable, responsible, faith, moral and moral position without boredom or lukewarmness.

The Leader of the Revolution spoke about the Yemeni front continuing to fight the battle of "the promised conquest and holy jihad", against the American, British, and Zionist enemy, and revealed the implementation of a new joint operation today with the Islamic resistance in Iraq against the Zionist entity.

He stated that the Yemeni armed forces carried out four joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, stressing that joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq are a very important path that embodies the hopes of the entire Arab people for unity, cooperation and the embodiment of brotherhood.

The Commander saluted the resistance and the mujahideen in Iraq and the dear Iraqi people for their active role in carrying out joint operations against the Zionist enemy.

He reiterated that Yemeni operations are continuing, effective and very influential on the enemy, as the Yemeni armed forces this week carried out four operations with seven ballistic and winged missiles and with the boat of the devastating flood, which can carry about 1.5 tons of explosives and cause a large explosion that severely damages enemy ships.

He touched on the enemy's fear of the Drone Flood boat as a result of its destructive power. Considering the boat a flood in name and deed, it has an impact on the ships it targets by entering the waters directly.

The Leader of the Revolution reviewed the important operations for this week, including the shelling with the Hatem missile, which is an important missile in every sense of the word, and its entry into the line of operations will have great effects in the battle with the enemy.

He pointed out that an important development is the departure of the defeated aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" after it received several operations and missile strikes, which was fleeing while targeting towards the northern Red Sea and farther from it.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that before the final departure of "Eisenhower" was targeted and turned significantly to head fleeing towards the Suez Canal. "From now on, the arrival of any new aircraft carrier will become a target for our armed forces after entering the Red Sea," he said.

"If the new aircraft carrier wants to venture and get involved and get into the predicament that Eisenhower was in, let it come and lose it," he said, stressing that the new aircraft carrier will be endangered with advanced missile capabilities that cannot be avoided and prevented.

He pointed out that the Yemeni operations clearly affect the American, Israeli and British, economically affecting the American and British, and the two countries may become accustomed to imposing an economic embargo and causing suffering to other peoples.

"The enemies are in trouble because of the economic impacts of our operations, there is a continuous rise in the costs of insuring ships, there are escalating effects on producers and retailers in America and Britain, and there are fears of economic inflation," the leader said.

He reported that the US-British aggression carried out eight raids this week on Hodeidah province, pointing to the attempt of the US enemy to implicate others against Yemen, and its weak position became clear and its prestige was broken and its prestige was destroyed before the world.

He continued, "The world saw how the American was attacked in the Red Sea and how his battleships and aircraft carriers were chased in a humiliating situation," explaining that the clear weakness, the high costs, and the real impasse prompted the American to seek to implicate others, including Arab and European countries.

Sayyid. Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi confirmed that the American tried with all his might to implicate some European countries against Yemen, but they were cautious to a good level. The American also tried to worry China and Russia about their ships and to raise concerns in other countries.

He reiterated that the Yemeni position in support of the Palestinian people and their dear mujahideen, and the Yemeni operations will continue as long as the aggression and siege on the Gaza Strip continue. "Unless what the Palestinian resistance factions declare is achieved, we will continue our operations," he said.

He reiterated that Yemeni military operations target exclusively ships associated with the Israeli enemy, which are against the American and British because they participated with the enemy entity and were involved in aggression against the Yemeni people.

"Whoever gets involved against our country will be in trouble, and he is the loser and the disappointer, just like the Americans and the British," he said, pointing to the American's attempt as part of his hostile efforts to distort the Yemeni people and their armed forces, such as drug smuggling allegations.

The Leader of the Revolution described the US allegations that the financing of the Yemeni army from drug trafficking is slanderous and very absurd, stressing that the Yemeni people are officially the biggest ones fighting the spread of drugs.

"The biggest spreader of drugs to corrupt people, especially young people, is the American, who seeks to rely on them as a business in vulnerable and targeted countries, and the largest rate of drug use is among Americans, and Trump has accused Biden himself of using them," he said.

He pointed out that Americans are the biggest traffickers in drugs and those who target other peoples with them, stressing that the armed forces and the Yemeni people, with their faith, morals and values, are fighting drugs hard and the security services are working and constantly working to combat them.

"With the aggression on the Gaza Strip exceeded in the middle of the ninth month, the clear outcome is failure, and there is no clear horizon for the Israeli, American and British in the Gaza Strip, and they rely only on criminality," he said.

The Leader of the Revolution stressed that in addition to the failure in the Gaza Strip, there is a clear inability for the American to stop the support fronts, noting that the US-British aggression on our country contributed to pushing for the development of Yemeni military capabilities more and more.

He pointed out that the Israeli enemy continues its aggression and continues the crime of the century, which is unparalleled, for 265 days and for the 38th week, and the Zionist massacres continue and the enemy commits the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people on a daily basis.

He explained that the number of massacres amounted to more than three thousand and 380 massacres and it was enough to wake up the entire world conscience for one of those massacres, stressing that the Israeli enemy targets children, women, adults and children, exterminates people in their cities and destroys entire residential squares.

He pointed out that the Zionist enemy committed this week more than 20 massacres that caused more than 1,200 martyrs and wounded, destroyed an entire residential block in the beach camp and resulted in the martyrdom of more than 50 martyrs and dozens of wounded.

The leader of the revolution expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to the dear Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, and to all his generous family for the martyrdom of his sister with her children in the massacre last Tuesday.

He stated that the enemy's heinous crimes reveal the level of brutality, aggression, criminality, despicability and hatred that he has against the Palestinian people, including the raid by Zionist soldiers on a house with an elderly Palestinian woman in the Jabalia refugee camp and the sending of a police dog to eat her flesh while she was alive.

He stressed that the thousands of heinous crimes committed by the Israeli enemy are shameful for him and his American and British supporters and partners, explaining that the Israeli enemy is an enemy in every sense of the word and it is impossible to live with it.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi considered that jihad against the Israeli enemy is the right and wise choice and there is no other option that can be relied upon, stressing that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are starving and the enemy prevents them from entering the necessary food they need from all ports.

"In return for neglect and ignoring the suffering of the Palestinian people, some Arab countries export fruits and foodstuffs to the Israeli enemy," he said, urging all Arabs and Muslims to strive seriously and sincerely to provide support and assistance to the Palestinian people in everything they need.

He noted that the Palestinian resistance targeted a Zionist troop carrier with a "Yassin 105" shell and caught fire in the Saudi neighborhood west of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Leader of the Revolution expressed regret for the media failure to shed light on the suffering of the Palestinian people with regard to famine and expose the Israeli enemy and its partners, which obliges Arab countries to carry out media, diplomatic and political campaigns and action in these areas.

He added, "There should be media support for the Palestinian people and expose the American and his floating dock, which he has dismantled and wanted to deceive," noting that the suffering of the wounded in the Gaza Strip continues and there are 25,000 wounded who need therapeutic intervention, according to statistics in the Strip, in light of the Israeli enemy's siege of the Gaza Strip and preventing the wounded from going out for treatment and closing all ports.

He reviewed the case of killing and kidnapping of Palestinians and the storming of their homes in the West Bank, which continues by enemy gangs on a daily basis, as well as the continued storming of the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and insulting Islam and Muslims, with American support and partnership.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi also stressed that the American continues to provide the enemy with arms shipments of destructive bombs that cause destruction and death to the Palestinian people, and there are Israeli media reports that talked about the arrival of more than 400 American arms shipments to support the enemy entity since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza.

He pointed to the hostile mobilization campaigns against the Palestinian people and against Arabs and Muslims and incitement campaigns based on lies and slander, including the fact that a woman this week tried to drown a three-year-old Palestinian girl with all hatred.

"There is talk that European institutions have provided 36 billion in loans to support the enemy in killing the Palestinian people, who are sacrificing, patient and oppressed.

He praised the role of the resistance in Gaza by continuing to set up qualitative ambushes that inflict deaths and injuries on the Israeli enemy and the losses affecting it, noting that the operations of the mujahideen in Gaza testify that they are still in a cohesive, stable and victorious position and testify to the enemy's failure and great failure.

The Leader of the Revolution indicated that there was a seizure of enemy drones by the mujahideen in the Gaza Strip, and the Zionist enemy has reached the limit in its operations against the Palestinian people in crime and has not achieved the results announced.

He reiterated that the Zionist enemy, supported by the United States and Europe, is in a state of confusion, failure and failure, and many voices have become in its entity that confirm that fact, and one of the goals of the enemy was to create a puppet administration and impose it on the Palestinian people in Gaza, but the Palestinian people failed that.

Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi referred to the ongoing protests in American universities despite the repression and pressure exerted by the US authorities, and there are continuous protests of students in European universities in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium and in other countries, in light of the bullying practiced by the police authorities of those countries against the demonstrators.

He stated that there was work on the title of anti-Semitism, which was a blank title with no content, but they considered anyone protesting against the crimes of genocide to be anti-Semitic.

He praised the Jordanian people, who are one of the most active Arab countries in the demonstrations and have a clear voice compared to many Arab peoples, in addition to the demonstrations in Morocco, which shows the growing popular discontent with official policies in support of the Zionist enemy.

"We are counting on the Moroccan people to increase their awareness and expand their protest, despite the fact that the Moroccan regime, through its policies in support of the Zionist enemy, behaves in a vulgar and very offensive manner towards the Moroccan people," he said.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that the Israeli enemy is in a real predicament towards the intensive operations carried out by Hezbollah, despite the fact that the enemy worked with the Americans and the interaction of some Gulf countries in a campaign of psychological warfare on Lebanon by talking about the possibility of total war.

"The enemy is talking about a total war with Lebanon and is in a real predicament and realizes its very dangerous and very destructive consequences," he said, explaining that the Zionist statements indicate the great fear of the consequences of involvement in a comprehensive war against Hezbollah, and what could happen to the Israeli enemy if it is involved against Hezbollah is beyond what can be imagined.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:35:52 +0300