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Agriculture Office in Dhamar carries out campaign to monitor pesticide shops in Utmah district
[01 July 2024]
Military maneuver for graduates of military courses in Anss district in Dhamar
[01 July 2024]
Completion of model construction report in districts of Sana'a city discussed
[01 July 2024]
Yemeni Armed Forces target four ships belonging to American, British & Israeli evil triumvirate
[01 July 2024]
Meeting at Youth Ministry discusses academies & sports centers list
[01 July 2024]
Hamas: Condition of released prisoners confirms criminal behavior of fascist occupation government
[01 July 2024]
Zionist enemy army announces death one of its soldiers, another injury
[01 July 2024]
Al-Rishq demands that enemy be held accountable for using detainees as human shields
[01 July 2024]
Popular Front condemns Germany's decision to expel some foreigners over their posts criticizing Zionist enemy
[01 July 2024]
"Al-Quds Brigades" sniped Zionist soldier in ongoing battles in Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza
[01 July 2024]
Satanic Zionist expansionism in WB blows up Oslo treaty and kills 'Two-State' solution
[01 July 2024]
3 Zionist ministers' resignations herald disintegration of Netanyahu's government
[01 July 2024]
After Pezeshkian's lead in first round.. Decisive round in Iranian presidential elections
[01 July 2024]
New Zionist escalation: sanctions on Authority & legalization of five settlement outposts in West Bank
[30 June 2024]
Continued crimes against children of Gaza prove that genocide; erasing generations is the essence of Zionists' plans
[30 June 2024]
  US-Saudi Aggression
Air defenses down American plane in Marib
[17 May 2024]
Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
[28 April 2024]
Health Ministry condemns aggression mercenaries' crime in Taiz
[27 April 2024]
Three women & two girls killed in drone strike belonging to aggression’s mercenaries in Taiz
[27 April 2024]
American-British aggression launch three raids on Hajjah
[15 March 2024]
Putin: Ship manufactory priority for Russian economy
Putin: Ship manufactory priority for Russian economy
Putin: Ship manufactory priority for Russian economy

MOSCOW June 29. 2024 (Saba) - Building the ships is a key sector of priority in the Russian manufactory and economy, the Russian president said on Saturday, according to Sputnik.

"Powerful intellectual, human productive resources to build ship basins and designing offices allow us to build modern warships and civil ships," Vladimir Putin added in a speech to 'Shipbuilding Day' published on Kremlin website.

A fleet of passenger, research, cargos and fishing ships is being actively built, and unique maritime equipment are produced in order to develop the deep oceans, he said.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 01 Jul 2024 23:00:42 +0300