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13 mass marches, dozens of stands in solidarity with Palestine, Lebanon pepole
[28 September 2024]
Parties Alliance condemns Zionist enemy's targeting of residential neighborhoods in Beirut southern suburbs
[27 September 2024]
FM condemns Zionist aggression on Beirut's southern suburbs
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Sheikhs, dignitaries of Bani Al-Harith stated to "Saba" that September 21 revolution is safeguarded by will of people, and preserving its achievements is a national duty
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Mass march took place in Al Qabbaytah, expressing solidarity with Palestinian, Lebanese peoples
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Martyrs, wounded in enemy's bombing of 2 houses in Khan Yunis
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Injuries in march in Nablus, storming by enemy forces Fawar camp in Hebron
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Kanaani: US partner in crimes of Zionist entity against Palestine, Lebanon people
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Suffocation cases after enemy forces stormed Fawar camp
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Rocket fire from Lebanon targets occupied Safed & Karmiel settlement
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Sheikhs, dignitaries of Bani Al-Harith stated to "Saba" that September 21 revolution is safeguarded by will of people, and preserving its achievements is a national duty
[27 September 2024]
Increasing calls to stop Zionist aggression on Gaza & Lebanon
[27 September 2024]
After ambush of "Bisharat al-Nasr" .. enemy confirms that Palestinian resistance regained control of land
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With false, fabricated allegations & pretexts... Zionist failure scenario moves from Gaza to Lebanon
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Support fronts keep Zionist enemy busy & link fate to ending the genocidal war on Gaza
[26 September 2024]
  US-Saudi Aggression
Military Media distributes scenes of down US MQ-9 aircraft in Dhamar
[16 September 2024]
Abdul Salam: Targeting civilians, educational facilities by US-British aggression is dangerous escalation
[10 September 2024]
Number of female students in Al-Jand School in Taiz martyred & injured by US-British aggression warplanes raid
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Aggression aircraft launches three raids on Ibb
[08 September 2024]
Citizen martyred in explosion of aggression remnants in Sarwah, Marib
[04 September 2024]
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement condemns Zionist aggression against Lebanon
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement condemns Zionist aggression against Lebanon
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement condemns Zionist aggression against Lebanon
[Fri, 27 Sep 2024 22:27:59 +0300]

GAZA - SABA : The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement emphasized that the brutal Zionist aggression against civilians in Lebanon is an extension of the genocidal war in Gaza and part of the open Zionist war against the Palestinians, which would not have been possible without the unlimited American support for the Nazi enemy government.

In a statement on Friday evening, the Mujahideen condemned the brutal Zionist aggression on the southern suburb of Beirut, which targeted civilian residential buildings, condemned the silence, international complicity , official Arab negligence towards the aggressions and Zionist enemy's crimes.

It emphasized that the Nazi enemy's continuation of its crimes against civilians in Lebanon and Gaza is a disregard for the international community , its institutions, which is a result of international impotence and complicity, instead of arresting the criminal Netanyahu as a war criminal, international platforms are opened for him to tell more lies , and send more threats .

The movement praised the steadfastness and sacrifices of the Lebanese people and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, stressing that the enemy will not be able through its cowardly massacres to regain its deterrence and prestige, which was washed away by the hands of the Mujahideen, and we are confident that it will pay a heavy price for its heinous crimes and continuous follies.

It called on all resistance forces in our nation to escalate the confrontation and intensify the qualitative strikes to the depth of the usurping entity, as only strength and resistance can curb the criminal enemy arrogance .


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 28 Sep 2024 00:09:51 +0300