Sana'a - Saba:
Health and environment offices, in coordination with relevant authorities in the districts of Sana'a province, are implementing training courses to prepare emergency, disaster, evacuation and ambulance trainers from the official and grassroots side.
The courses, which were launched in early December, aim to create a paramedic in every village through courses on first aid, cardiac resuscitation, rescue, medical evacuation, and transportation from the scene of an accident, according to Dr. Mujahid al-Ramim, deputy director of the province's health office.
Dr. Mujahid al-Ramim, deputy director of the province's health office, explained that the courses target health and general mobilization staff, in addition to a number of community members in the directorates, and at the level of each village and district.
For his part, trainer Dr. Jubran Al-Salt explained that the aim of the courses is to train a team in the health field and first aid tasks that will be ready to face natural , unnatural disasters and cooperate with the Civil Defense rescue teams in the event of any potential accidents.
He noted that a cluster network method is used in the training process, which achieves the qualification of a huge number of community medics in a very short time.

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