Sana'a - Saba:
Hadramawt Governor Luqman Baras confirmed that the mercenary government's establishment of two small oil refineries in the cities of Mukalla and Shihr in Hadramawt province is part of their continued looting of the country's wealth.
The governor of Hadramawt told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the establishment of the two refineries comes within the framework of a dangerous policy through which mercenaries are trying to continue looting the province's oil wealth for the benefit of foreign parties, similar to the US looting of oil wealth in Syria.
He said the move is an attempt to defraud Sanaa's decision to stop looting and exporting oil without using its revenues to pay salaries and serve the province's people.
Governor Luqman condemned the UAE's repeated attacks on fishermen in Hadramawt, harassing them and depriving them of fishing, which is their only source of livelihood.
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