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  US-Saudi Aggression
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President inaugurates National steadfastness Program
President inaugurates National steadfastness Program
President inaugurates National steadfastness Program

SANA'A, Sep. 04 (Saba) - President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat inaugurated on Sunday the National steadfastness Program.

In a speech in the Parliament, the President said the war is not over yet, but it continues and in multiple ways and its weapon is awareness at this stage.

"We promised Allah to preserve our people and country and protect its unity and independence until we obtain full sovereignty in all our territories."

President said the Yemeni unity is not a political unit as some imagine. The unit is a social, geographical, topographical and historical unit.

He said the Yemeni unity will remain no matter how enemies conspire against it, as long as the army of the Republic of Yemen is ready to endure hardships and difficulties, no force in this world will be able to abolish Yemeni unity

He added as long as the army of the Republic of Yemen is ready to endure hardships and difficulties, no force will be able to abolish unity

Al-Mashat said we will consider all foreign measures to be measures of occupation that have no validity or legitimacy.

He pointed out the problems of some of the southern and eastern provinces were fabricated by the greedy and occupiers, and had it not been for the intervention of the outside, those problems would have been occupied.

He said fuel ships will enter the port of Hodeida and if they do not enter, the members of the Supreme Political Council will be consulted to take the appropriate decision

President al-Mashat addressed the deceived "the door to forgiveness is still open, go back to your senses, the ambitions of the invaders and occupiers have appeared more than ever".

President said to the Yemeni people "we will be by your side because you deserve all the best from us, and we will work hard to achieve everything that serves you."

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Thu, 27 Jun 2024 22:04:10 +0300