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Tomorrow evening, Wednesday. Arab, international tweets campaign launched to expose crimes of Zionism in Gaza
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Vigils in Dhamar in solidarity with Palestinians
Vigils in Dhamar in solidarity with Palestinians
Vigils in Dhamar in solidarity with Palestinians

DHAMAR June 30. 2024 (Saba) - Dhamar Province witnessed today,Sunday, four protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in blessing of the Yemeni military operations against the Zionist entity and its supporters, “America and Britain.”

The vigils that were held in Imam Hassan Square in the Western Sector, the Shamsia and Jarajish Square in the Central Sector, Azzan and Tahseen Square in the Southern Sector, and the Roma Square in the Southern Sector, in the presence of executive and local leaders and social figures, issued statements denouncing the negligent positions regarding the humanitarian crisis and hideous massacres that the Palestinian people are suffering from. At a time when some Arab and Islamic countries support the Zionist entity.

They blessed the coordination and joint operations between the Yemeni armed forces and the Islamic resistance in Iraq, which express the hopes and aspirations of the Arab and Islamic nation peoples to unify positions, activities and military operations to confront the nation’s enemies.

The statements called on the peoples of the Islamic nation to adopt stances and demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people and to adopt media campaigns to expose the crimes of the Zionist entity and the practices of its supporters and to implement a real economic boycott of the goods and products of the Zionist entity.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 02 Jul 2024 22:09:03 +0300