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American network confirms Yemen's ballistic missile threw terror in hearts of Zionists
[15 September 2024]
Palestinian Liberal Movement blesses qualitative Yemeni operation in depth of Zionist entity
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American network confirms Yemen's ballistic missile threw terror in hearts of Zionists
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Palestinian Liberal Movement blesses qualitative Yemeni operation in depth of Zionist entity
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Enemy media admits spy satellites failed to detect Yemeni missile
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  US-Saudi Aggression
Abdul Salam: Targeting civilians, educational facilities by US-British aggression is dangerous escalation
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Number of female students in Al-Jand School in Taiz martyred & injured by US-British aggression warplanes raid
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Aggression aircraft launches three raids on Ibb
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Citizen martyred in explosion of aggression remnants in Sarwah, Marib
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US-British aggression aircraft launch raid on Kamaran Island
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Food convoy from mobilization forces, fifth military region for affected in District of Milhan
Food convoy from mobilization forces, fifth military region for affected in District of Milhan
Food convoy from mobilization forces, fifth military region for affected in District of Milhan
[Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:41:56 +0300]

MAHWIT September 3. 2024 (Saba) -The General Mobilization Forces and the Fifth Military Region in Hodeida Governorate on Tuesday provided a food aid convoy to those affected in the district of Hamdan in Milhan district in Al-Mahwit Governorate, due to torrential rains.

The mobilization forces and groups of members of the Fifth Military Region arrived in the isolation of Hamedan, to provide food aid to those affected by the torrential floods resulting from the heavy rains that the region witnessed during the past days, and they were received by the director of the directorate, Ghamdan Al-Azaki, and many sheikhs and notables of the directorate.

The chairman of the board of directors of the Yemeni news agency Saba - editor-in-chief Nasreddin Amer, said that forces from the General Mobilization and members of the fifth military region delivered aid to the people of the district of Hamdan in the district of Milhan, who are besieged by torrential rains and torrential rains.

"Those affected are the stricken isolation of Hamdan and Qibla, food aid was delivered to them by the mobilization forces and groups of members of the fifth military region, and there is a previous batch that was delivered, and the equipment of the crack is still working to open the way to reach the affected," he said.

Amer al-Aghhoumi, deputy mobilization officer in al-Mahwit province, said that forces from the mobilization and groups from the Fifth Military Region arrived today in the districts of Hamdan and Qibla to provide food aid to those affected.

He stressed the readiness of the armed forces in general and the mobilization forces to deliver any aid to the affected areas and visit the people whose homes and families were damaged by the torrential floods in the two districts, pointing to the readiness to address any problems that hinder the delivery of aid to those affected.

The people of Hamdan district in Milhan district expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi and the President of the Supreme Political Council for their interest in the conditions of the affected people and their directives to provide the necessary assistance to them to alleviate their suffering due to the torrential floods


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UPDATED ON :Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:30:57 +0300